
coven n.(女巫)大聚會;集會。


Usually “ dedication “ ceremonially marks the beginning of wiccan study , while “ initiation “ may mark full membership in a coven / tradition ( such as after “ a year and a day “ ) or may indicate elevation in skill or to special clergy status 通常“奉獻”儀式上標志巫術崇拜者學習的開始,而“開始”也許標志著女巫大聚會/傳統(例如“一年和一天后” )的全員資格,或可能預示技能的提高或專門的神職地位。

The covens are hidden to outsiders . the last i heard rumors of was a coven seen somewhere in morrowind , years ago 這些女巫會是不為外人所見的。我所聽過的最近的傳聞是在幾年前,晨風的某處有人見到了一個女巫會。

His information came from the traditions of a coven called the new forest witches , and from ceremonial magick and the kaballah 他的知識來自稱作“新森林”的十三女巫大集會的傳統,來自魔術和卡巴拉儀式。

Mr . coven feels they can control the wrong destiny is by adding a new requirement for freshmen , community service 另一個讓校長覺得他們正把握自己命運的事情就是給新生布置的一項新任務:社區服務。

Unfortunately , the young man discovers that his nemesis is now a powerful vampire with a coven of allies 不幸地,年輕的男人發現他的復仇女神現在居然是女巫聯盟的一個強大的吸血鬼。

Unfortunately , the young man discovers that his nemesis is now a powerful vampire with a coven of allies 不幸地,年輕的男人發現他的復仇女神現在居然是女巫協會的一個強大的吸血鬼。

Both great covens and an ironclad peace treaty with the lycans 偉大的組織和與狼人牢不可破的和平條約

This coven has grown weak , decadent 這個組織變得軟弱,頹廢了

Was a betrayal of me and of the coven 那是對我和整個族的背叛

Of both great covens for many years to come 給族里造成巨大影響

. . . was a betrayal of me and of the coven 那是對我和整個族的背叛

I think this is perfect for your weekly meetingsat the coven 我認為這件很適合你周末的會面。

. . . of both great covens for many years to come 給族里造成巨大影響

. . . we shall once again be united as a single coven 我們將會再一次的團結在一起了!

The coven is in danger , and michael is the key - - 大聚會有危險而邁克爾是關鍵. .

The entire coven knows that i had plans for us 整個組織的人都知道我為大家設想

We shall once again be united as a single coven 我們將會再一次的團結在一起了!

The coven is in danger , and michael is the key - 大家處于危險之中,邁克爾是關鍵