
cove n.1.(河)灣;小海灣,嶮岨的海角[山凹]。2.【建筑...


Plover cove repulse bay beach 淺水灣泳灘

From pirate ' s cove , then trenton ' s pride moving like a winner in third 海盜的“洞穴”第二川頓的“榮譽”似乎要得第三

About maybe lookin ' in on you at black cove , it ' s hard right now , but 她們可能在黑峽谷見過你眼下日子很艱難,不過

By a league is pirate ' s cove . . 后來是海盜…

. . . some other cove will . you have the same right to them as they have . . .還有別的家伙會去拿你會做的,別人也會做

Some other cove will . you have the same right to them as they have .還有別的家伙會去拿你會做的,別人也會做

They ' ii anchor off maderas cove 它會停泊在馬德拉灣

The shipment arrives at maderas cove 那批貨已經運到了

He nosed the canoe into the cove 他把獨木舟劃進港灣。

They found out on their ship that one of their men - this jonah cove - 他們發現同船的一個個叫約拿的家伙

The battle of tide fury cove - proudmoore ' s invasion is defeated 怒潮海灣之戰-普羅德摩爾的侵入被擊敗

We got our own story , it ' s called black cove farm : catastrophe 我們有自己的故事叫作黑峽谷農場:浩劫

2nd prize ma cheuk kwan tai po old market public school plover cove 亞軍馬卓均大埔舊墟公立學校寶湖道

3 . plover cove country park visitor centre 3 .船灣游客中心

If you could see us now this easter day at black cove , 如果你能看到我們在黑峽谷農場慶祝復活節的景象

Hutchison whampoa zhuhai horizon cove 和記黃埔珠海海怡灣畔

You know . i really like that cove 你知道,我真喜歡那個凹洞

Paradise cove luau dinner show 魯奧文化村烤乳豬晚宴及歌舞表演

7 a . m . , north cove marina , over now 早上七點,北灣碼頭,完畢