
covariant adj.,n.【統計學】協變的[式]。


There are two types of pwa method , the non - relativistic paw method and the relativistic paw method which developed from 40 ' s and 50 ' s of twenty century ( including covariant tensor pwa method and helicities amplitude analysis method ) . the relativistic covariant full amplitude pwa method is a common way to search for new states in current 本文討論的相對論協變全張量振幅分波分析方法是當前分析實驗尋找新粒子態的一種常用方法,它充分利用了計算機的優勢對所有實驗信息進行擬合,是分析級聯兩體反應的一種簡單而有效的方法。

Abstract : it is observed that the sommerfeld ' s formula for a progressive spherical wave is not covariant with respectro the rotation of the coordinate system . it contains complex partial waves that are not physical . the standing wave representation of the same formula is shown to be covariant and physical . it is applied to solve the boundary value problem of fiber optics . the radiation modes as well as the guided normal modes are obtained in closed forms . the intensity distribution in various modes is obtained . it is remarked that the mode of critical refraction is missing 文摘:說明了球面行波的索末菲公式在坐標轉動下不協變.證明了球面波的駐波表示是協變的,因而是一個物理的關系式,故適用于圓柱坐標中各類波動方程的定解問題.作為一個例,應用于光纖光學,導出了受導簡正模和輻射模的表達式,以及各模式的強度分布

Go a step further , beginning with the relation of the general curvilinear coordinate system and its corresponding reciprocal base , we derived the description of the particle ' s motion in the reciprocal base , and the covariant components of the particle ' s motion were obtained as well 進一步地,從一般曲線坐標系與其對應倒基的關系出發,導出了一般曲線坐標系對應倒基下對質點運動的描述,并進而給出了質點運動對應的協變分量。

The conclusion that the electromagnetic field is a covariant entia is drawn from the analysis of the forces acting on a moving charge beside a straight carrying wire in several frame of references by special principle of relativity 摘要利用狹義相對論分別對同一載流直導線外一個運動電荷的受力情況在幾種常用的參考系中分析,得出電磁場是一個協變的統一體的結論。

For example , i ve focused on the major updates to join point matching in aspectj 5 , leaving more minor ones such as new approaches to dealing with autoboxing and covariant return types for you to discover on your own 例如,我重點介紹了aspectj中對連接點匹配的主要更新,而把相對次要的(例如處理自動裝箱和協變返回類型的新方式)留給您自己去發現。

Interspecific covariant among ten mains species groups of arthropods on kudzu pueraria lobata 葛藤主要節肢動物種群種間協變的研究

Covariant base vectors 共變基向量

Covariant analytic vector 共變解析向量

Covariant vector function 共變向量函數

Covariant tensor of degree q q 次共變張量

Covariant spinor of first rank 階共變旋子

Absolute multiple covariant 絕對多重共變式

Covariant alternating tensors 共變交錯張量

Alternating covariant tensor field 共變交錯張量場

Covariant return types are now supported 現不再支持協變返回類型。

A generalized london equation in covariant form 相對論協變的倫敦方程

the quantities baβ are the covariant components of a plane tensor, called the curvature tensor of the surface. ba是“平面張量”的協變分量,叫做該曲面的曲率張量。