
couture n.婦女時裝業;婦女時裝。


Mr . blackwell ' s list , which also slammed starlets mary - kate olsen , jessica simpson , lindsay lohan and paris hilton , summed up 2005 as a particularly bad year for “ couture chaos , wardrobe wrecks and stylistic sleaze . “ spears , who gave birth to her first child last year , has been a favourite on blackwell ' s list for the past five years 據路透社1月10日報道,美國時裝界資深評論家和設計師布萊克韋爾每年評出的“最差著裝明星榜”都會備受時尚界的關注,而1月10日揭曉的2005年年度“最差著裝明星榜”上,布蘭妮位列榜首。

Soft lines and fitted cuts are crucial , and casualness is redefined to retain the haute couture elegance . conventional shirts are carried without ties and go with leather jackets to give a new urbane and carefree attitude . the “ progressive force “ series will definitely catch everybody s attention 輕松是這個系列的重要元素,但同時保留量身訂造的優雅特點,傳統的襯衫無須結領帶,開領設計配合夾克穿著,勢將打破傳統夾克配長褲的搭配方法,一副“不羈自然自在自我“的打扮。

A virtual living textbook of fashion creation , history and marketing , it utilizes the enormous range of assets available in paris , the fashion capital of the world . students are taken beyond the surface glamour and exposed to the day - to - day workings of the industry . from an honest , generous and open vantage point the doors into this exciting and intoxicating world are thrown open to the student , with field trips to venues which reveal a multitude of possibilities pertinent to the fashion industry amongst the studios , couture houses , designer showrooms textile mills and press offices Mod art擁有多樣化的專業課程,教學部分分成5個系:時裝預科及藝術預科系,時裝設計系,時裝制作系,時裝附件系帽子首飾皮革制品鞋靴等,時裝管理系時裝商學院.為保證學生被提供教學項目的質量能適應經濟的發展,學校還設有專門的學術委員會以確定各階段的教學,科研方向及項目評估政策,從而保證完善的教學質量

Soft lines and fitted cuts are crucial , and casualness is redefined to retain the haute couture elegance . conventional shirts are carried without ties and go with leather jackets to give a new urbane and carefree attitude . the “ progressive force “ series will definitely catch everybody s attention 輕松是這個系列的重要元素,但同時保留量身訂造的優雅特點,傳統的襯衫無須結領帶,開領設計配合夾克穿著,勢將打破傳統夾克配長褲的搭配方法,一副“不羈、自然、自在、自我“的打扮。

Mr . blackwell ' s list , which also slammed starlets mary - kate olsen , jessica simpson , lindsay lohan and paris hilton , summed up 2005 as a particularly bad year for “ couture chaos , wardrobe wrecks and stylistic sleaze . 布萊克韋爾每年評出的“最差著裝明星榜”都會備受時尚界的關注,而1月10日揭曉的2005年年度“最差著裝明星榜”上,布蘭妮位列榜首。

If you ' re marketing yourself as a management consultant for the fashion industry , you better know your pr t porter from your couture and be able to give the names of some satisfied customers 如果你向時裝行業自薦當一名管理顧問,你應該從女式時裝中了解現成服裝,并且能夠列出一些對你滿意的顧客名字。

1960 s haute couture , pop tunes , and gorgeous stars combine to make this one of hong kon g most sumptuous hollywood style musical extravaganzas , set in the colorful worlds of fashion as well as medicine 時裝設計的史馬哥陳厚和婦科醫生的葉德梅林黛,兩人里冤家斗氣到暗墮愛河。

Indeed , this city is known around the world for the amazing choice of styles available , from haute couture in the smartest malls to street - level chic in market stalls 事實上,香港的時裝選擇的確令人目不暇給,由大型購物商場內的時款服飾,以至露天市集的特色貨品都應有盡有。

Forget designer ( 1 ) handbags and couture ( 2 ) frocks ( 3 ) , these days style - conscious women are spending big on the latest luxury accessory , human hair extensions 忘掉那些品牌手提包和新款服裝吧,目前令時尚嗅覺敏感的女士們大把掏錢的最新奢侈裝飾品是:嫁接真人頭發。

Jean - paul gaultier , a fashion designer primarily known for his haute - couture , has developed a make - up line for men to be launched this year 一位主要以設計高級女式時裝而聞名遐邇的時裝設計師專門為男士們研發了一個系列的服飾,并且將于今年與公眾見面(推出) 。

Secondly , the author discusses ways of improving the level of ipe from the perspective of science and technology , couture , institution , benefits and local features 其次,從科技、文化、制度、利益、地方特色等幾方面著手,闡述了改進思想政治教育的途徑。

Forget designer handbags and couture frocks , these days style - conscious women are spending big on the latest luxury accessory , human hair extensions 忘掉那些品牌手提包和新款服裝吧,目前令時尚嗅覺敏感的女士們大把掏錢的最新奢侈裝飾品是:嫁接真人頭發。

Eco couture is transforming the world of fashion in north america , as more and more designers from los angeles to toronto showcase eco lines 環保時裝在北美的時尚界掀起了一陣炫風,洛杉磯與多倫多越來越多的設計師,都發表了環保的服飾。

Even beijings sin taxes of 20 % to 30 % on imported jewelry , haute couture and cars simply encourage rich chinese to shop overseas 即便中國對進口珠寶、高檔女裝和豪華汽車征收了20 %到30 %的重稅,這也只是令中國富豪們選擇出國購物而已。

Haute couture collections are created with unlimited budget s , but today no more than 500 women in the world buy clothes in haute couture houses 雖然制作高級成衣沒有預算限制,但當今只有少于500位女性在高級成衣作坊買衣服。

1960 s haute couture , pop tunes , and gorgeous stars combine to make this one of hong kon g most sumptuous hollywood style musical extravaganzas , set i . . 史葉兩人由斗氣開始暗墮愛河,由于兩人工作太忙,感情受到考驗. .

A handbag named in honor of south korean actress song hye kyo was released at a haute couture fashion show in hong kong on wednesday 一款以韓國女演員宋慧喬名字命名的手提包周三在香港召開時尚發布會。

No longer just simple hippy styles of the past , today eco couture is cutting edge , high fashion savvy and sophisticated 不再只是過去簡單的嬉皮風格,如今環保時裝不僅流行度高,時尚又典雅。

The form and contents of costume design in post - modernity have great difference with those of traditional couture 摘要后現代的服裝設計在形式及內涵上與以往傳統服裝有很大不同。