
couth adj.1.〔戲謔語〕文雅的;有教養的;文明的。2.〔古...


In part i , in order to make dear of the basis of the construction of reeducation through labor according to low , the couther first identity the character of this system on the base of fully demonstrating its character and extension the author divide it into two parts : administrative reeducation through labor and penal reeducation through labor 準確定位勞動教養的性質是建構法治化勞動教養制度的前提,第三部分在充分論證勞動教養對象的性質和范圍的基礎上,將勞動教養定性為行政性的勞動教養和刑事性的勞動教養。

Oh , lord have mercy . you know , you just don ' t have no couth 老天有眼,你從來就不知道什么叫斯文