
couscous n.【烹】(北非的)粉蒸羊肉;粉蒸雞。


Instructions : pour the couscous into a pot with the boiling water , turn off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes then stir gently with a fork , add the remaining ingredients and toss lightly 做法:將蒸粗麥粉倒入乘有沸水的鍋中,將火關閉等待10分鐘,然后用叉子緩慢攪拌,同時加入其他原料并輕輕地混合均勻。

Dishes right off the restaurant s international menu such as mongolian beef , chow mien , indian dharma over rice and couscous had them consistently returning to say , “ that was delicious ! 一盤盤都是素食屋菜單上的拿手好菜:蒙古素牛肉炒面印度達摩燴飯庫司庫司飯,讓吃過的人一再回來說:太好吃了!

Ingredients : 3 / 4 cup of couscous , 1 1 / 4 cup boiling water , 1 cup of black beans ( canned ) , 1 small chopped sweet red pepper , chopped parsley , olive oil , balsamic vinegar , salt and pepper 素食沙拉原料: 3 / 4杯蒸粗麥粉、 1 / 4杯沸水、 1杯黑豆(罐頭裝) 、 1小支甜辣椒切碎、切碎的香菜、橄欖油、鹽和胡椒粉。

In regions such as central europe , italy , spain , and canada , cinnamon is also used to season soups , meats , tomato sauces , vegetables , stews , couscous , pasta , and marinades 在像中歐、義大利、西班牙,和加拿大一樣的地區,肉桂也被使用于調味湯、肉、西紅柿醬、菜、燉煮的食物、蒸丸子、面團,和鹵汁。

Stir in shrimp and scallops ; cook until just opaque , 4 to 6 minutes . remove from heat , add cilantro , and serve over israeli couscous pilaf 放入蝦和扇貝,大約4 - 6分鐘后蝦和扇貝顏色呈不透明。從火上取下湯鍋,加芫荽葉,再澆到以色列蒸粗麥粉上面。

Frankie steams them in white wine and ginger , on a bed of saffron couscous 我還記得法蘭基把帽貝加上白酒和生姜,下面鋪上肉丸子

Stir in couscous , and remove from heat 放入蒸粗麥粉,從火上取下來。

Cereals and cereal - based products . couscous . specifications 谷物和谷物產品. couscous .規范