
courtyard 庭院,院子。


It ' s a courtyard oft - times surrounded by columns 是庭院常有柱廊圍繞

The three of you down here in the courtyard 剩下你們三個到院子里面去

Brief illustration on traditional dwelling courtyard space 山地傳統民居的保護及可持續發展

The walls surrounding the courtyards were generally low 是許多城里按摩師可望而不可及的。

David , couid we just sit in the courtyard for a minute 戴維,我們能不能在院子里坐會兒?

If he has enough time , he can beautify the courtyard 如果他有足夠時間,他會美化這個庭院

I ' m going to be standing in this courtyard 我打算每天5 - 8點就在院子里面

Fuzhou important project office wushan courtyard east district 福州市重點辦烏山大院東區

Small deluxe room sihe hotel courtyard , beijing reservation 小豪華房,北京四合賓館預訂

I ' ve other men outside in the courtyard waitin ' for beds , 外面院子里還有其他人在等床位

The courtyard was where the family ate and recreated 而庭院便是人們吃飯、休息的場所。

Distinguished personages life born in courtyard 誕生在院子內的名流人生。

If he were free , he would beautify the courtyard 如果他現在有空,他就會美化這個庭院

I offered to have him hung by his toes in our courtyard 我建議把他掛在我們的后花園

Tianxiang courtyard - hotel beijing beijing jianguo garden hotel 北京好苑建國商務酒店

It is good that xiamen promotes scholarship courtyard 廈門興才學院好不好?

Big bed room tianxiang courtyard - hotel beijing reservation 大床房,北京天翔會館預訂

Deluxe room courtyard by marriott shunde reservation 豪華房,順德新世界萬怡酒店預訂

Of economics courtyard should be a bit a few stronger 經濟學院的應該是稍強一些吧