
courtship (男向女)求愛,求婚;求愛期間;【動物;動物學】求偶(現...


The seahorse on the right with a puffed out belly is a father seahorse . he is very serious about courtship and raising children 右邊這只腹部鼓鼓的就是海馬爸爸。他對求偶和養育子女都非常認真。

Grace and athleticism are optional for males in human courtship , but both are mandatory in manakin courting 人類在追求異性時,健壯和優雅也可以加分;但在侏儒鳥群里,這兩者可都是必須的手段。

Usually valentine ' s day comes and goes with just a day or two of news media attention to courtship and marriage 通常,每年情人節時,新聞媒體都會有一兩天時間關注男女交往和婚姻關系的話題。

Messing around with people s heart and true amour , sending them to the abyss of a trusting courtship ? let me tell you 難道你以為可以長生不死玩弄人的真愛真心從信誓的情緣推他們進入深淵?

The feeding and courtship display behavior show obvious day rhythm , and exist diferent between male and female 大鴇在取食、求偶炫耀等行為都存在著明顯的日節律,并有明顯的性別差異。

After the courtship period , the couple forms a strong bond until the egg is laid in may or early june 在求愛期過后,企鵝夫婦便會保持穩固的夫妻關系直道五月或六月初產下蛋來。

The french are faithful during courtship ; their marriages and liaisons last longer than americans ' do “在求愛期法國人是忠實的;他們的婚姻和私通持續時間都比美國人要長。

At courtship time , he waves it to attract females , often with a beckoning movement , or to fight rival males 求偶期間,雄蟹會揮動大蟹鉗,吸引雌蟹注意,或擊退情敵。

Gwen says fred wrote poems to her during their courtship , a gesture that may have won her heart 格溫說佛瑞德追求她的時候,經常給她寫詩,這樣贏得了她的芳心。

This high - pitched babble is presumably for courtship , although scientists are not certain 據推測,這可能是雄性老鼠在求愛,盡管科學家對這一點還不是很確定。

It is true that events lasting only a moment may achieve more than courtships which last a year 的確,有時候一分鐘里發生的巧事比整整一年的苦苦追求還管用。

Adelie penguins , for instance , employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual 比如說吧,對大型企鵝來講,張大嘴打哈欠就是它們求偶儀式中的一部分。

Courtship is lengthy , for the male must convince the female he is a mate and not prey 求偶是漫長的,因為公蜘蛛必須讓母蜘蛛相信它是配偶而不是獵物。

The romans followed the egyptian tradition that fish brought luck in courtship and marriage 羅馬人追隨埃及人的習俗,相信魚能給求愛和婚姻帶來好運。

Dozens of male marbled stingrays glide in pursuit of a female in an elegant courtship dance 數十條雄性云石紋?以優雅的泳姿熱烈追求雌魚。

On some occasions , this act shows self - satisfaction , one ' s flirtation or courtship 在一定場合下此動作是一種自鳴得意和調情求愛的表現。

Joyce brabner : i think we should skip the whole courtship thing and just get married 喬西:我想我們應該跳過整個的求愛過程然后就結婚。

The trip typically involves travel to distant webs and an extended courtship ritual 整個過程包括走到遠處的蜘蛛網和長時間的求婚儀式。

Ho chi minh city , vietnam - in her dreams , she imagined a long courtship 越南,胡志民市- - -在她的夢里,他幻想能有一個愛情長跑。