
courtroom 審判室。


The hearing proceeded after the protesters was removed from the courtroom 在抗議者被逐出法庭后審理繼續進行。

Mr . shultz , i don ' t appreciate your surprises in my courtroom 休爾之先生,我不欣賞你在我的庭上的意外驚喜

And he ' s out on the courtroom steps 可他在法庭外好象

Outside the courtroom later , he predicted he ' ll be vindicated on appeal 走出法庭后,他將上訴為自己辯白。

And how hushing over the courtroom 整個法庭內靜悄悄地

It ' s pandemonium here in the courtroom 法庭上秩序混亂

“ anyway , we don ' t want this kind of filth in our courtroom . “不管怎么樣,我們法庭不接受這種臟貨。 ”

I wanna be heard ! - get that man out of the courtroom 我要讓公眾聽到我的聲音! -把這個人驅逐出法庭!

Order in this courtroom ! - roxie 法庭內請維持秩序!蘿西

Anna nicole smith is on the docket in two courtrooms 安娜.妮可.史密斯的案件分別在兩個審判庭等待結案。

- i wanna be heard ! - get that man out of the courtroom -我要讓公眾聽到我的聲音! -把這個人驅逐出法庭!

Anna nicole smith is on the docket in two courtrooms 關于安娜.妮可.史密斯的官司分別在兩個法庭審理。

This isn “ t a courtroom , mr . cohen 這里不是法庭, cohen先生

In a nassau county courtroom 第一次這樣開始,允許攝像機。

I ' m sorry , folks , i ' m sorry , but the courtroom is all filled 對不起,伙計們,對不起,審判室已經滿了

This is not a courtroom , and i do not have to answeryour questions 這里不是法庭我不必回答你的問題

Judge : why are you in my courtroom 法官:你為什么在法庭上?

It ' s pandemonium here in the courtroom . . 法庭上秩序混亂… …

A courtroom lawyer must never choke up under pressure 律師上了法庭絕對不可以因壓力大而無法應付。