
courtly adj.朝廷的;有禮貌的,殷勤的;周到的。


Villefort s dusty garb , his costume , which was not of courtly cut , excited the susceptibility of m . de brez , who was all astonishment at finding that this young man had the audacity to enter before the king in such attire . the duke , however , overcame all difficulties with a word - his majesty s order ; and , in spite of the protestations which the master of ceremonies made for the honor of his office and principles , villefort was introduced 維爾福穿的不是進見時的服裝,再加上那種風塵撲撲的外貌,引起了司儀大臣勃黎的懷疑,他對這個青年竟敢穿這樣的衣服來謁見國王陛下感到非常驚訝,但公爵終于用“奉國王之命”幾個字排除了一切困難,所以不管這位司儀大臣的意見如何,不管他如何尊重他的戒律,維爾福還是被通報了。

Doctors who made great fortunes out of dainty remedies for imaginary disorders that never existed , smiled upon their courtly patients in the ante - chambers of monseigneur . projectors who had discovered every kind of remedy for the little evils with which the state was touched , except the remedy of setting to work in earnest to root out a single sin , poured their distracting babble into any ears they could lay hold of , at the reception of monseigneur 用花哨的藥物治療并不存在的臆想的疾病而發了財的醫生在大人的前廳里向儀態優雅的病人微笑為國家的小憂小患設計出形形色色的策略卻連任何一樁罪惡也無法認真消除的清客,在大人的招待會上對他們抓得住的耳朵滔滔不絕地發出令人茫然的高論。

And sir leopold that was the goodliest guest that ever sat in scholars hall and that was the meekest man and the kindest that ever laid husbandly hand under hen and that was the very truest knight of the world one that ever did minion service to lady gentle pledged him courtly in the cup 利奧波德爵士為曾蒞臨學生食堂之最佳賓客,彼乃將手伸到母雞20下腹之最溫順和藹的丈夫,亦為世上最忠實地向貴族小姐奉獻愛情之騎士,遂殷勤地干了杯。

As he bent his head in his most courtly manner , there was a secrecy in his smiling face , and he conveyed an air of mystery to those words , which struck the eyes and ears of his nephew forcibly 在他以最禮貌的姿態點頭為禮的時候,他那微笑的臉上透露出了某種秘密,他也賦予了他的話語某種神秘的氣氛,這些都清楚地落在了他侄子的耳朵里眼睛里。

Valentine day is the most romantic & passionate day for lovers , closely associated with the mutual exchange of “ love notes ” in the form of “ flowers ” of courtly love flourished 情人節是熱情浪漫的日子,是愛侶們最渴望感受對方的愛意情濃、甜甜蜜蜜。而只有“花”能傳遞您的真誠,您的柔情。

The courtly life was a reflection of the baroque joy of existence and luxury . the opulently decorated cases of that time are real works of art , containing ticking mechanical marvels 這個時代的表殼都經過非常華麗地雕琢,都是真正的藝術品,表殼有滴答響動著令人嘆服的細小機械機芯。

His courtly behavior toward padm is very old - fashioned but his respect for her wishes , her intelligence , and her abilities is quite modern 他對帕德美表現出的那種尊嚴而有禮貌的舉止是非常舊式的做派,但他對于她的愿望、她的智慧以及她的才干表現出的尊敬又是十分現代的。

Since the kingsguard are in the service of the king , they are frequently expected to be available in king ' s landing for other political or courtly functions 御林鐵衛在為國王服務時,他們在君臨需要頻繁地參加各種不同的行政或是宮廷儀式。

Emerson ' s celebrated american scholar address of 1837 , in which he proclaimed that “ we have listened too long to the courtly muses of europe . 愛默生1837年在那篇出名的《論美國學者》講演宣布: “歐洲那種御用的詩才,我們已經聽夠了” 。

“ fearless i stride , “ say courtly tutsi , remembering their days of glory in a dance performance at kisoro “我無畏地向前走” ,恭敬而有禮貌的圖西人邊說邊回憶他們在基斯羅舞蹈表演地輝煌之日。

In her role as senator , padm has been freed from the more elaborate of the courtly naboo protocols 在她出任參議員時,帕德美從講究尊嚴理數的精細的納布禮儀中解脫出來。

Contributions of the courtly school in the southern dynasties to the rules and forms of chinese classic poetry 宮體詩派與古詩的律化

Monseigneur received him in a courtly manner , but they did not shake hands 侯爵有禮貌地接待了他,但兩人并未握手。

- i want a full courtly evacuation now . i ' m shutting you down . - lock down 我要求你立刻離開關掉

I want a full courtly evacuation now . i ' m shutting you down . - lock down 我要求你立刻離開關掉

In a courtly manner ; elegantly or politely 典雅地,有禮貌地;有王室氣派地

Emerson's celebrated american scholar address of 1837, in which he proclaimed that “we have listened too long to the courtly muses of europe. “ 愛默生1837年在那篇出名的《論美國學者》講演宣布:“歐洲那種御用的詩才,我們已經聽夠了”。

He gave us a searching look as we entered, but his manner was both courtly and kind . 我們進去的時候,他向我們投過來一道銳利的目光,但他的態度是和藹、有禮的。

Their courtly politeness to each other, at the hotels where they tarry, is the theme of general admiration . 他們在下榻的旅館里相敬如賓,得到了大家的贊揚。