
courtier n.1.朝臣。2.諂媚者;受寵遇者。


Meanwhile m . cavalcanti the elder had returned to his service , not in the army of his majesty the emperor of austria , but at the gaming - table of the baths of lucca , of which he was one of the most assiduous courtiers 此時,老卡瓦爾康蒂先生已經回來,不是回到奧地利皇帝陛下的軍隊里去服役,而是回到盧卡的澡堂的賭桌上,因為他過去就是那兒最堅定的顧客之一。

Meanwhile boris , with his courtier - like tact , had moved close to the commander - in - chief with pierre , and in the most natural manner , in a quiet voice , as though continuing his previous conversation , he said to pierre 這時,鮑里斯以其侍從武官特有的靈活性,迅速移到皮埃爾身邊,靠近了首長,用最自然的態度,仿佛是繼續已經開始的談話似的,低聲對皮埃爾說:

The young emperor could not restrain his desire to be present at the battle , and in spite of the expostulations of his courtiers , at twelve oclock , escaping from the third column which he had been following , he galloped to the vanguard 年青的皇帝按捺不住,他很想參加戰斗,不顧廷臣的一再進諫,十二點鐘離開了他所殿后的第三縱隊,向后衛部隊疾馳而去。

A week later , the baby will be ritually bathed in a cedar tub by a courtier while auspicious texts , written in classic chinese literary style and wishing it good health and fortune , are read aloud 孩子出生一周后,將在一個雪松制成的木盆里由一位大臣為其洗禮,同時會有人大聲誦讀以傳統的中國文體寫成的保佑孩子平安健康的禱文。

They do say , observed the man of great abilities , who had not acquired a courtiers tact , that his excellency even made it an express condition that the emperor himself should not be with the army “他們甚至說, ”還不知宮廷待人接物分寸的lhomme de beaucoup de merite說, “公爵大人還提出一個必要條件國王不要親自駕臨軍隊。 ”

I do not dispute that , but there is no denying that the court privileges did attain the same object , said prince andrey . every courtier thought himself bound to do credit to his position “我不爭辯,但不能否認,宮廷的優越地位和權力達到了同樣的目的, ”安德烈公爵說, “每個朝臣都認為自己應當名副其實地履行職務。 ”

One courtier even went so far as to tell the prince that , though it was quite true that no man could be worth anything unless he had a long nose , still , on a woman ' s face a smaller nose could be most attractive 有位侍臣甚至這樣討好王子說,雖然男人沒有大鼻子,就一無是處,但是,女人臉上的小鼻子也可能美麗絕倫。

He rose to his feet and saw the king standing at a distance with the merchant s son and a group of courtiers . he thought to himself , “ i shall be safe where the king is , so i shall go to him . 它看到國王就在不遠的地方,還有商人的兒子和朝廷人馬在他身邊,于是心想:只要到國王那里我就安全了,就這么辦吧!

Beausset with courtier - like agility retired two steps with a half turn , not showing his back , and at the same moment twitched off the covering , saying : a present to your majesty from the empress 德波塞以其宮廷式的靈巧,不把背對著皇帝,側著身子倒退兩步,同時揭開了那塊布,說: “皇后獻給陛下的禮物。 ”

The little princess experienced at that moment the sensation that courtiers know on the entrance of the tsar , that feeling of awe and veneration that this old man inspired in every one about him 年輕的公爵夫人這時感覺到一種有如近臣見皇帝出朝時的感情也就是這位老人使他的心腹產生的一種敬畏之感。

The role of devadasis is best understood in the context of the analogy between the temple and the royal court , for the hindu king also had his dancing girls , who bestowed their favors on his courtiers 神廟舞女的角色類似于廟宇和皇室宮延之間的媒介,因為印度國王也有他的舞女,用來娛樂他的朝臣。

Now , in the heart of that city was a well , whose water was cool and crystalline , from which all the inhabitants drank , even the king and his courtiers ; for there was no other well 在那城市中心有一口水井,水清澈甘甜,這是該城中唯一的一口井,從國王、王室成員到平民百姓,大家都飲用這井水。

With a number of courtiers , including the two who had already been there , he went to the two clever swindlers , who now worked as hard as they could , but without using any thread 他帶著一批朝臣,包括已經去過的那兩個,去了那兩個聰明的騙子那里,這兩個現在盡量努力的工作,但沒有用任何的線。

He addressed him indeed as though he regarded balashov as one of his own courtiers , as one of the people , who would sympathise with his plans and be sure to rejoice at his successes 筵席間,他讓巴拉瑟夫坐在他身旁,對待他不僅親熱,而且把他看作贊許他的計劃并為他的成就而欣喜的朝臣之一。

Think of the emperors position ! the courtiers said ; and they no longer sang the praises of kutuzov as two days before , but upbraided him as the cause of the tsars uneasiness that day “皇上的情況會怎樣啊! ”朝臣們說,而且不再像兩天前那樣贊揚庫圖佐夫,他們譴責他成了皇上不安之源。

Courtiers hope reporters and photographers will leave st andrews on monday , but royal watchers believe it will be difficult for the media to maintain its current restraint 英國王室侍臣希望記者們在威廉王子入學時能夠離開圣安德魯大學,但是皇室觀察員認為讓媒體保持低調是很困難的。

At which the great russian nobles were to mingle with the courtiers of the french emperor . in thought he had appointed a governor capable of winning the hearts of the people 他在腦子里定下了r union dans le palais des czars的日子,俄國要員屆時將與法國皇帝的大官相聚一堂。

Biagioli , mario . galileo , courtier : the practice of science in the culture of absolutism . chicago : university of chicago press , 1993 . isbn : 0226045609 比亞焦利,馬里奧。 《伽利略,庫爾蒂:在絕對主義文化中的科學實踐》 。芝加哥:芝加哥大學出版社, 1993 。 isbn : 0226045609 。

Courtiers explained the tsars slight to prince andrey by saying that his majesty was displeased at bolkonskys having retired from active service since 1805 廷臣們向安德烈公爵解釋說,國王不重視他是因為陛下對他博爾孔斯基從一八五年以來未曾服役表示不滿。