
courtesy n.禮貌,殷勤周到;親切;好意;〔古語〕行禮,請安。 b...

courtesy light

You ' re supposed to do that even out of courtesy 出于禮貌,你也應該這樣做

The color usage and the courtesy custom in ancient china 略論中國古代顏色的運用與禮俗

Oh i got high marks in the courtesy in hygiene 哦,健教禮節這一科我分數很高

The man , though poor , showed an inbred courtesy 那人雖窮,卻表現出天生的謙虛有禮。

Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue 禮貌和美貌是分不開的伴侶。

It would only have been common courtesy to say thank you 說聲謝謝不過是普通的禮貌

Courtesy of the national taichung first senior high school 國立臺中第一高級中學提供

Courtesy is his due while he is your guest 畢恭畢敬是他當客人時的應有權益。

On the courtesy education towards modern college students 淺議當代大學生的禮儀教育

I got high marks in courtesy and hygiene 我在社交禮儀和衛生學課上拿了高分。

Please show your courtesy while facing foreigners 面對老外時,請表現出你的禮貌。

Why did he come ? courtesy or an inward light 是出于禮貌,還是得到了什么內心之光

Information courtesy of hong kong observatory 資料由香港天文臺提供,謹此致謝

Courtesy of the chinese embassy in washington 得到中國駐華盛頓大使館的贊助。

Consideration for others is the basis of all courtesy 體諒他人是一切禮貌的基礎。

And he didn ' t even have the courtesy to tell me that he got 他干什么都不給我說

The rule of thumb in this business is courtesy 這門生意的形式法則是禮貌至上。

Courtesy toward others in discussions is expected 討論時,應保持對他人的尊重。

7 singaporeans can show courtesy in the mrt 新加坡人可以在地鐵上展示禮讓精神。