
courtesan n.高等妓女;原指王公顯貴的情婦。


The duchesse de f rubbed shoulders with mademoiselle a , one of sorriest specimens of our modern courtesans ; the marquise de t shrank from buying an item of furniture for which the bidding was led by madame d , the most elegant and most celebrated adulteress of our age ; the duc d y , who is believed in madrid to be ruining himself in paris , and in paris to be ruining himself in madrid , and who , when all is said and done , cannot even spend all his income , while continuing to chat with madame m , one of our wittiest tale - tellers , who occasionally agrees to write down what she says and to sign what she writes , was exchanging confidential glances with madame de n , the beauty who may be regularly seen driving on the champs - elysees , dressed almost invariably in pink or blue , in a carriage drawn by two large black horses sold to her by tony for ten thousand francs . and paid for in full ; lastly , mademoiselle r , who by sheer talent makes twice what ladies of fashion make with their dowries , and three times as much as what the rest make out of their love affairs , had come in spite of the cold to make a few purchases , and it was not she who attracted the fewest eyes M太太是一位風趣詼諧的講故事的好手,她常想把自己講的東西寫下來,并簽上自己的大名。漂亮的n夫人經常在香榭麗舍大街上散步,穿的衣衫離不了粉紅和天藍兩種顏色,有兩匹高大的黑色駿馬為她駕車,這兩匹馬,托尼向她要價一萬法郎她如數照付最后還有r小姐,她靠自己的才能掙得的地位使那些靠嫁妝的上流社會婦人自愧勿如,那些靠愛情生活的女人更是望塵莫及。她不顧天氣寒冷,趕來購買一些東西,也引來了人們的注目。

And the client is one of master jin s most important and demanding - miss hua gong li , a famous courtesan . taking his seat in miss hua s sumptuous apartment , he is embarrassed to overhear the murmurs of lovemaking . as the sounds subside and the man departs , zhang is summoned to hua s room 六十年代的香港,裁縫依然是一門吃香的行業,年輕裁縫小張張震飾首次上門為當紅交際花華鞏俐飾度身裁衣,華的美艷和豐姿震懾了小張,他惶恐得不敢伸手為她量度尺寸,此時華伸出了纖纖玉手,教曉小張手的重要性。

As i contemplated all these things , each to my mind standing for a separate prostitution of the poor girl , i reflected that god had been merciful to her since he had not suffered her to live long enough to undergo the usual punishment but had allowed her to die at the height of her wealth and beauty , long before the coming of old age , that first death of courtesans 我瞧著所有這些東西,每一件都使我聯想到那個可憐的姑娘的一次肉體買賣。我心想,天主對她尚算仁慈,沒有讓她遭受通常的那種懲罰,而是讓她在晚年之前,帶著她那花容月貌,死在窮奢極侈的豪華生活之中。對這些妓女來說,衰老就是她們的第一次死亡。

Your father believed implicitly in the conventional truths according to which every courtesan is a heartless , mindless creature , a kind of gold - grabbing machine always ready , like any other machine , to mangle the hand that feeds it and crush , pitilessly , blindly , the very person who gives it life and movement 您父親滿腦子都是舊觀念,他認為凡是妓女都是一些沒有心肝沒有理性的生物,她們是一架榨錢的機器,就像鋼鐵鑄成的機器一樣,隨時隨地都會把遞東西給它的手壓斷,毫不留情不分好歹地粉碎保養它和驅使它的人。

Meng yi is a general in the army of the great qin emperor in ancient china . caught in a crisis , he and the beloved courtesan of the emperor he tries to protect begin a relationship whose love and promise has survived thousand of years of space and time , and still waits 懸浮天宮的拍攝地其實是一個三面環回的綠布景,動畫師將背景以后期電腦特效加工處理,將正確的背景與演員的片段合成并配以適合的環境氣氛,為電影尾段編織出浪漫及震撼的效果。

What possibility suggested itself ? the possibility of exercising virile power of fascination in the most immediate future after an expensive repast in a private apartment in the company of an elegant courtesan , of corporal beauty , moderately mercenary , variously instructed , a lady by origin 最近的將來在一位體面的高等妓女富于肉體美對金錢較淡薄有著種種教養原是出身名門的淑女的內室里共進一頓豐盛的飯菜,然后發揮男性魅力的可能性。

Intimate confessions of a chinese courtesan 1972 , knightly romance in the lucrative gu long adaptations - a truly kaleidoscopic oeuvre embracing virtually many genres . adding to the director s recollection of his days from kong ngee to shaws are reviews and his complete filmography 可憐天下父母心1960情寫實含淚的玫瑰1963文藝言情黑玫瑰1965鳳斗智玉女添丁1968瘋狂惹笑愛奴1972奇詭艷情,古系列更是又創佳績,一拍十九部。

Sitting there in her white foulard dress , which was as light and full of folds as a shift , sitting there with drooped eyelids and cheeks pale with the touch of intoxication from which she was suffering , she offered herself to him with that quiet expression which is peculiar to a good - natured courtesan 她穿一條白綢裙,又輕又縐,像件睡衣。她已有幾分醉意,臉色發白,眼睛周圍發青,帶著一副淳厚姑娘的神態,委身于斯泰內了。

Hugo wrote marion delorme , musset wrote bernerette , alexandre dumas wrote fernande . thinkers and poets throughout the ages have offered the courtesan the oblation of their mercy and , on occasion , some great man has brought them back to the fold through the gift of his love and even his name 雨果刻畫了瑪麗翁德蘿爾姆繆塞創作了貝爾娜雷特大仲馬塑造了費爾南特各個時期的思想家和詩人都把仁慈的憐憫心奉獻給娼家女子。

Every morning during lunch good mme hugon returned to the subject despite herself , told her guests the news the gardener had brought her and gave evidence of the absorbing curiosity with which notorious courtesans are able to inspire even the worthiest old ladies 每天上午,吃午飯時,善良的于貢太太總是不由自主地提起這個女人,講述從園丁那里聽來的消息,并感到這些煙花女像使魔法一樣,居然把最高尚的夫人也糾纏住了。

Theres a generals sedan - chair bearer who dallies with each of the soldiers four wives until he suffers the fate of samson , a japanese pot maker molds his wifes lover , a courtesan who fools her drunken husband , and a scissors shop owners wife who has too many lovers to cut 青年轎夫宗華假份王爺與王鼠偷歡,終被拉去大監。塑泥人高手井上吉谷峰,其夫人林伊娃與情夫山過成王俠偷情,以為夫人為他帶來大買賣呢。

She advanced threateningly toward him , and while she was raving , as became a good courtesan who , though driven to desperation , was yet firmly convinced of her rights and her superiority over tiresome , honest folks , the door opened suddenly and steiner presented himself 她臉上露出威脅的神態,向他走去。這個善良的煙花女被逼得大動肝火,她仍然深信她對那些纏住她的正經男人享有權利,并深信自己比他們更正經。

This courtesan , who had made men spend more on flowers than would be needed to enable a whole family to live without a care , would sometimes sit on the lawn for an hour on end , examining the simple flower whose name she bore 這個妓女,她過去花在鮮花上的錢比足以維持一個家庭快快活活地過日子的錢還要多。有時候她就坐在草坪上,甚至坐上整整一個小時,凝望著她用來當作名字的一朵普通的花。

All of which smacked of the courtesan too early deserted by her first serious protector and fallen back on shabby lovers , of a precarious first appearance of a bad start , handicapped by refusals of credit and threats of eviction 這令人聯想到她早就被第一個正經丈夫拋棄了,后來又落到一些行為不端的情人手中。可謂旗開失利,第一次下海就遭失敗,告貸無門,又受到被人趕出住宅的威脅。

Unfortunately , father , there aren t any st - margaret s islands nowadays where courtesans can be transported , and , even if there were , i should follow mademoiselle gautier there if you managed to have her sent away “不幸的是,爸爸,放逐妓女的圣瑪格麗特島已經沒有了,而且即使它還存在,您又能把她發送到那里去的話,我也會隨著戈蒂埃小姐一起去的。

In other words , one could detect in this girl a virgin who had been turned into a courtesan by the merest accident of chance , and a courtesan whom the merest accident of chance could have turned into the most loving , the most pure of virgins 總之,這個姑娘似乎是一個失足成為妓女的童貞女,又仿佛是一個很容易成為最多情最純潔的貞節女子的妓女。

Dive into the trippy underworld of the moulin rouge , where an impoverished poet falls in love with a lovely singer dancer courtesan . ewan mcgregor and nicole kidman star in this colorful mosaic of modern pop songs and timeless drama 1899年的巴黎,天才橫溢卻身無分文的年青作曲家基信,置身于一個如癡如夢,頹廢瘋狂,以紅磨坊為首的肯肯舞年代。

The most notorious erotic film in the history of hong kong cinema , intimate confessions of a chinese courtesan shocked chinese audiences and even today exerts a raw power thanks to lily ho , in her most daring role 這部奇情武俠片被公認為楚原最佳代表作,艷麗奇詭,風格獨特,在香港和英國均獲得好評。片中何莉莉飾演愛奴,以美色和奇特武功報仇。

But to be truly loved by a courtesan is a much more difficult victory to achieve . in such women , the body has consumed the soul , the senses have burnt out the heart , debauchery has buckled stout armour on to feeling 但是要真正地被一個妓女所愛,那是一個極其難得的勝利,她們的肉體腐蝕了靈魂,情欲灼傷了心靈,放縱的生活養成了她們的鐵石心腸。