
courteous adj.有禮貌的;殷勤的,周到的 (opp. rude)...


When dancing near beginners - be mindful and courteous and don t show off 遇有初學者在旁,請留意及禮讓并保持友善。

To serve members in a friendly , courteous and professional manner 以友善,禮貌和專業的方式為會員提供優秀的服務。

Safe and courteous driving 安全駕駛,禮讓他人

Attitude courteous and show respect to others . able to accept criticism 態度:對人尊敬,有禮貌,虛心接受教導與批評

The general manager was quietly courteous to everyone on his staff 總經理對手下的職員總是溫文爾雅,彬彬有禮。

You are entitled to courteous treatment in your dealings with us 在處理稅務事宜時,你有權獲得禮貌的待遇。

I was in college students , character , cheerful , courteous progress 我是個在校大學生,性格開朗,禮貌上進。

Chauffeurs are professional , courteous and proficient in english 司機均受過專業訓練,親切有禮,精通英語。

In the cafes , the service is slow but 6 ) courteous 雖然咖啡館上菜的速度很慢,可那里的服務態度卻非常的好。

We all love courteous drivers 每位司機都會很受歡迎。

Courteous service deserves award 殷勤服務獲獎實至名歸

Be courteous to your fellow employees as you would be to a guest 對待同事員工要像對待客人那樣有禮貌。

Now you wanna be courteous about it 要開始彬彬有禮了嗎?

To serve you in a friendly , courteous and professional manner 確保為您提供友誼、殷勤和專業的服務。

A talk on the different courteous phraseology between male amp; amp; female 小議性別與禮貌用語的關系

It was courteous of him to help the old lady with her bundles 他很有禮貌地幫助那個老太太扛包裹。

Will its greeting be courteous or rough 它的問候是謙恭抑或粗魯?

It is courteous to acknowledge messages which are received 告訴對方你收到信息是應有的禮節。

Our customers should always receive courteous treatment 我們的顧客應該總是受到客氣的對待。