
court n.1.法院,法庭;法官。2.宮廷,朝廷;朝臣;朝見,謁...

court card

Below the courts of appeals are the district courts . 上訴法院之下便是地方法院。

It sometimes spread to the courts . 它有時流行到法庭上。

Decision of the court made a mockery of the trial . 法院裁決使這次審判形同兒戲。

The court buttressed its decision . 法院支持自己的判決。

Margot's court appearances were frequent . 馬戈特常出庭。

She did not court to win him . 她并沒有不遺余力地要贏他。

The child was made a ward of court . 那個孩子由法院監護。

There are many subordinate courts all over the country . 全國有許多初級的法院。

Their allegations were simply laughed out of court . 他們提出的指責均不屑一顧。

“the balmy“ came almost as soon as it was courted . “溫馨”不久就應召而來了。

I will not change just to court popularity . 我不會為了迎合人們的歡心而改變。

He at once distinguished himself in the courts . 他很快在法院工作中表現出色。

He had his head down as he walked out of the court . 他走出法庭時耷拉著腦袋。

The court has decided to stay the proceeding . 法庭已決定暫緩進行這訴訟程序。

She feels the better for being out of the court . 出了法庭她就覺得更好些了。

People knew that they were courting . 人們知道他們在談變愛。

He was brought before the court and found guilty . 他出庭受審并被裁決有罪。

I took her to court for repayment of the debt . 我為索取債務而把她送上法庭。

Her record was before the court . 她的案卷全部置于法官面前。