
courseware 【計算機】教學軟件。


Application of hypermedia technology in the design of mcai courseware 課件設計中的應用

Ten attention items in the courseware packing by using authorware 課件打包十點注意事項

The design and presentation of web - based multimedia courseware 的多媒體課件設計與實現

The designing and making of multimedia teaching courseware 多媒體教學課件的設計與制作

The author can choose any form and topic for the courseware 作品形式和內容均無限制。

The application of activex document to courseware of 網絡課件制作中的應用

Reflections on developing network - based courseware 關于開發網絡課件的思考

Designing and development of multimedia courseware 多媒體課件的設計與開發

Design of remote instruction courseware based on web 的遠程教學課件的設計

Design and develop web - based multimedia courseware 的多媒體課件設計與開發

Esthetics characteristics of making multimedia courseware 多媒體課件制作中的美學特性

Consideration on exploitation of network courseware 關于開發網絡課件的思考

The design and implementation of multimedia courseware based on web 多媒體課件的設計

Design and application of multi - media courseware of the 商品學多媒體課件的設計與應用

On the technique of making multimedia courseware with authorware 制作多媒體課件技術

Exploit net courseware , improving teaching quality 科學開發網絡課件切實提高教學質量

The courseware database is the heart of the whole system 課件庫是整個系統的中心。

Web - based courseware is the key of network teaching 摘要網絡課件是網絡教學的關鍵。

The classification and making principle of mcai for courseware 課件的分類及制作原則