
courser 短語和例子courser1n.1.快跑者,行進者[人或物...


With the view of strenthening the national power and increasing the comeptition , in the international markets , china follows the trend , initiating the course reform , refering to the reform , the formulating national stardard courser ( teaching prog ) would play a guiding role without doubt in teaching and studying , so it is essential to make a compatision and study in annual teaching programme in maths , finding out the variation and difference 其中涉及的國家課程標準(教學大綱)的制定,無疑對廣大師生有著重要的導向作用。所以有必要對歷年教學大綱進行比較、研究,發現其中的變化、差別,對高中數學教師從事教學工作有切實的指導意義,對國家正在進行的課程改革也有一定的輔助作用。

A follow - up questionnaire based on the seven objectives of the course identified six objectives as having been achieved as a result of the courser a change in attitude away from avoiding talk of death - related topics , identification of personal beliefs and attitudes , giving descriptions of funeral , arrangements , the making of preparations for dying , greater willingness to think about death , identification of terminally ill patients ' emotions and needs 課后的問卷調查也發現課程的七個目標達成了六個:改善了逃避死亡的話題、確認自己的信念和態度、喪葬處理的認知、面對瀕死進行死亡準備、愿意對死亡進行思考、認知瀕死病人的情緒及需要。

Because we come to do you service and you think we are ruffians , you ' ll have your daughter covered with a barbary horse ; you ' ll have your nephews neigh to you ; you ' ll have coursers for cousins and gennets for germans 您把我們當作了壞人,所以把我們的好心看成了惡意,寧愿讓您的女兒給一頭黑馬騎了,替您生下一些馬子馬孫,攀一些馬親馬眷。

The sea is full of water ; the hell is filled with devils ; the courser has four legs ; the little fool is looking at the short message and grinning ! ! 大海啊,它全是水;地獄啊,都是鬼;駿馬啊,它四條腿;看短信的小笨蛋啊,他咧著嘴! ! !

“ why everyone hates me , can it be my fault to grow ugly ? ” the little ugly duck murmured while walked , suddenly a courser scurried out “為什么大家都討厭我,長得丑難道是我得錯嗎? ”丑小鴨邊走邊說,突然,一直獵狗竄了出來。

The little ugly duck feared it terribly , it was too late to hide . but the courser didn ' t bite him , he only smelt the little ugly duck and walked away 丑小鴨害怕極了,想躲也躲不了。可是獵狗卻沒有咬他,只是嗅了嗅就扭頭走了。

The new rubber cored ball went so far that golf coursers had to be changed to contain it 這種新的橡膠球能擊出很遠,以至于高爾夫球場需更改設計以迎合這一新發明。

What coursers in school did you like most ? least ? why 在學校最喜歡的課程是哪些?最不喜歡的是什么?為什么

A cream-coloured courser had used to visit this hill . 這一個小山,從前有一個米色的考色鳥常來光顧。