
course n.1.進程,經過,過程,趨勢;經過期間。2.進路;水路...


The course of events can be foreseen . 事態的發展不難預料。

The ship kept to a steady course . 那艘船一直沿原航線航行。

The course of true love never did run smooth . 戀愛無坦途。

Of course , it is very agreeable to me . 當然行,我很喜歡。

“of course not,“ alice replied very readily . “當然不,”阿麗思立即回答道。

Such was the course adapted by him . 他采取的就是這種策略。

Course 1 makes heavy use of quantum mechanics . 第一種課程大量應用量子力學。

No doubt nature took its course . 毫無疑問,事情就按照自然發展的規律發生了。

It is designed as a textbook for a one-term course . 它可用作一學期的教材。

He shaved every day, of course . 他每天都刮胡子,這毫無疑問。

I'm as old as the hills, of course . 當然啦,我早已老態龍鐘。

The fleet began to fill away on a northerly course . 船隊開始順風向北航行。

The course of true love never did run smooth . 真正的愛情總不是一帆風順的。

We of course wanted to recapture burma . 我們當然想收復緬甸。

Of course she'll flirt with anybody . 當然,她對誰都賣弄風情。

“of course the man's a pedant. “ “沒錯,他是個迂腐的家伙。”

The fever must run its course . 這種熱病要經過一定過程才會好。

Of course his parents became terribly worried . 不用說,他的雙親萬分憂慮。

This is a normal course of exit out of the lung . 這是排出肺外的正常過程。