
courier n.1.信使,急件遞送人。2.(歐洲的)伴游服務員。3....


Anna w . : i ' m a travel courier 安娜?渥爾克我是個導游。

Retail price is hk $ 168 ( including the local courier delivery charge ) 售價為港幣168元(連本地速遞費用) 。

8 . packaging specimens for the courier service revised march 2007 8 .標本包裝予運輸隊二零零七年三月更新

Let me confirm your address so that i can give to you our courier service 我要確認你的地址好送貨上門。

Dragon express courier trading company ltd 飛達速運公司

Scott we ' re going to be couriers ? - best way to get a cheap flight -我們要去送東西? -最便宜的旅行方法

Deaf captured a mexican courier 戴夫俘虜了一個墨西哥信使

Courier contracts now show volume to 2 decimal places 遞送任務現在將顯示體積數據的小數點后兩位數字。

Krish , there ' s a courier . from nationai geographic , washington 克瑞史,華盛頓國家地理送來了一個快件,

Jobs classified , courier service tracking and yellow pages 分類資訊求職廣場、速遞服務及黃頁分類。

It contains one part , the courier id , which is a string 它僅包含一部分內容,向導標識,是字符類型。

“ i have just received my courier from greece , “ said danglars “我派到希臘去打聽消息的人回來了。 ”

The sample you require will be sent by courier service immediately 貴方所要樣品將由專遞馬上送到。

Singing drunkenly gasps rachel courier express 雷切爾快報!

Anna : well , on the whole , i quite like being a courier 安娜:嗯,總體來說,我相當喜歡做一位導游。

We are the couriers of dreams 我們是夢想的承載者,給予者。 ”

I want to have this package delivered by motorcycle courier 我要讓騎機車的送貨員幫我送這件包裹。

Korean courier and mainlanders jailed for passport fraud 韓國護照帶家及內地居民因使用虛假護照被囚

- we ' re going to be couriers ? - best way to get a cheap flight -我們要去送東西? -最便宜的旅行方法