
courant n.報(紙)〔現僅作報名用〕。adj.【徽章】步行狀的。


But the hartford courant ' s roger catlin wrote : “ anyone new to friends who succumbed to the hype to tune in would have been surprised at how laughless the affair could be 但是, 《哈特福德報》的羅杰?卡特林寫道: “任何不熟悉《老友記》 、只是受到天花亂墜的宣傳的影響才收看《老友記》大結局的觀眾都會驚訝地發現劇中人物的愛情故事是多么無趣。

The finale received mixed reviews in the us press , with newsday ' s noel holston calling the episode “ sweet and dumb and satisfying “ . but the hartford courant ' s roger catlin wrote : “ anyone new to friends who 美國新聞界對這個大結局的評論褒貶不一,今日新聞的諾埃爾霍爾斯滕稱大結局“甜美絕倫無以言表令人滿意” 。

Today ' s straight styles are parted on the side and pulled away from the face , said tim rogers , stylist and spokesman for charles worthington hair products and salons . the hartford courant 查爾斯沃興頓美發產品及沙龍的造型師發言人蒂姆羅格斯說,如今的直發造型以偏分為主,這樣就不會遮住臉了。

Translate the following sentence into chinese , ‘ with designer t - shirts and jeans in the hefty three figures , there are men for whom staying au courant is worth the investment 那些為了保持走在流行潮頭的人認為值得投資那些昂貴的名設計師設計的t恤和牛仔服。

With designer t - shirts and jeans in the hefty three figures , there are men for whom staying au courant is worth the investment 對于那些穿著寬大的體恤和牛仔褲走在時尚前沿的男士來說把錢花在這上頭是值得的。

The hartford courant , founded in 1764 , is the country s oldest continuously published newspaper The hartford courant創建于1764年,是美國最早發行的報紙。

The americans want to be au courant , to know what fiction has critical prestige in europe 美國人想了解現狀,想知道歐洲時下聲望最高的小說是什么。

( woman ) they ' re digital scans of letters to the editor of the new england courant 這是寄給新英格蘭報主編的信件的數碼掃描件

Woman they ' re digital scans of letters to the editor of the new england courant 這是寄給新英格蘭報主編的信件的數碼掃描件

Woman ) they ' re digital scans of letters to the editor of the new england courant 這是寄給新英格蘭報主編的信件的數碼掃描件

It ' s au courant , just what you want 這是潮流,你想要的

Dad . - . of the new england courant -爸爸- .舊桌子里面找到的

- dad . - of the new england courant -爸爸-一個舊桌子里面找到的

Dad . - . . . of the new england courant 爸爸- . . .一個舊桌子里面找到的