
courageous adj.勇敢的,英勇的。adv.-ly ,-ness n...


The dog was as courageous an animal as ever scouredthe woods 狗是出沒于森林的動物中最勇敢的。

Who says the president is not courageous fighting heroes 誰說總統就不能是智勇雙全的戰斗英雄?

You have to be diligent and courageous 應該自己認真有勇氣才行。

I hear that your daughter is as courageous as her father 我聽說你的女兒和她的父親一樣勇敢。

It is widely read for its positive and courageous tone 它因積極樂觀、催人奮進而被廣為傳誦。

With courageous hearts and innocent grins . 有勇敢的心和無邪的笑。

“ how strong and courageous you are ! “你是多么的堅強和勇敢呀! ”

Spirit of the company : courageous to challenge and innovate 公司精神:勇于挑戰敢于創新。

It was courageous of her to opposeher boss 她真有膽量,竟敢對抗上司

135 master tells a story be a courageous and honest example 135師父講故事勇敢正直的典范

Others used the words “ to be courageous . 還有人用了“勇敢”這個詞。

And take the most courageous step of your life 邁出你人生中最勇敢的一步

We are no carpet soldiers , but courageous troops 我們不是少爺兵,而是英勇善戰的勇士。

His courageous deed obtained the admiration of people 他的英勇行為贏得了人們的稱贊。

Three times god tells joshua be strong and courageous 神三次吩咐約書亞:要剛強壯膽!

Courageous decision is always needed in any time 人總需要這種果斷的勇氣。

It was courageous of him to oppose his chief 他敢反對他的上司,真是勇敢。

It is man ' s duty to be courageous enough to seek for truth 勇于探索真理是人的天職

Because of courageous act in the line of duty 以表彰他在履行職責方面的勇氣