
courage n.勇氣,膽量;精神。moral courage 精神之...


The risk does not detract from nixon's courage in running it . 危險無損于尼克松甘冒風險的勇氣。

They kept up the form of running with undiminished courage . 他們不屈不撓,始終保持著跑的姿勢。

Courage is nothing less than indifference to hardship and pain . 勇氣就是對艱難和痛苦的蔑視。

Their toils and tireless courage were our salvation . 他們艱苦的工作和不倦的勇氣拯救了我們。

The chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage . 中華民族以勤勞勇敢著稱。

Somebody made a crack that cast doubt on the general 's courage . 有人諷刺這位將軍缺乏勇氣。

At last she summoned sufficient courage to cross over the road . 最后,她鼓起勇氣穿過街。

You must have a lot of courage . 你可真有膽量。

I admire him for his courage . 我佩服他的勇氣。

She displayed great courage . 她顯出巨大的勇氣。

I shall have to pluck up courage and speak to her about it . 我得鼓起勇氣跟她談這件事。

You have invariably been models of courage and fidelity . 你們始終是勇敢與忠誠的模范。

She needed extraordinary courage to hold this poise . 她需要非凡的勇氣來保持這種平衡。

His courage was severely tried by his ordeal . 他的勇氣在艱難困苦中受到了嚴峻的考驗。

His courage was put to the test . 他的勇氣受到考驗。

He has the courage to speak out what he thinks right . 他敢于說出他認為正確的東西。

We salute your courage . 我們贊揚你們這種勇敢的精神。

Those are certainly possessed of dauntless courage . 那些都是天不怕地不怕的硬漢子。

I knew his worth and courage . 我知道他的才能和勇氣。