
coupon n.1.【商業】(附在證券上的)息票;(火車等使用一次剪...


It was like i was looking for this coupon 是這樣的,我在找一張優惠券

B . 24 - hour parking coupon at china hong kong city carpark 中港城信和停車場24小時免費泊車券

A compiimentary coupon do some shopping 附送的優惠券再去消費一把好了

Merchants accepting shkp mall cash coupons 接受新地商場現金禮券之商戶

The photocopy of this webpage cannot be used as coupons 此網頁之列印本不可作優惠券使用。

You can buy coupon tickets at ticket machines and “ ticket offices . 這種票叫回數券。

Lt ' s all right . l ' ll get you some coupons , 沒事,沒事,我會給你些優惠券

He redeemed several coupons at the store 他從商店里得到了幾張優惠券。

We can t refund difference when you use meal coupons 使用餐廳通用券時,恕無法退還差額。

Can i play with my pizza coupon ? no sassing me 我能玩我的比薩餅優惠券嗎?不要和我頂嘴

- was it microfilm ? - a coupon from payless shoes -是縮微膠片萎縮價嗎? -免費鞋店的優惠券

Coupon is valid until 31st october 2007 此券優惠限期至2007年10月31日。

This coupon entitles the bearer to one homework cetype > pass 這個獎卷獎給通過作業的人。

Bonds that do not pay interest are called zero coupon bonds 不付息的債券叫做零息債券。

Photocopy of the offers cannot be used as coupons 此網頁優惠之列印本不可作優惠券使用。

Was it microfilm ? - a coupon from payless shoes 是縮微膠片萎縮價嗎? -免費鞋店的優惠券

Tearing out coupons like you ' re in a home for old ladies 就在家里為老太太撕優惠券嗎?

Please select the value of “ prepaid coupons “ 請選擇預繳現金券的面額:

Please order 48 hours before coupon delivery or pick up 4請于取券或送券前48小時預訂。