
couplet n.兩行詩〔兩行構成一節的詩體〕;對句;〔pl.〕對聯。...


Amy : i bet your father must ask you to write spring couplets on every chinese new year 愛咪:我打賭你爸一定會要你在每年過年都寫副春聯。

He thinks my couplets will bring best wishes for the whole family in the coming year 他認為我寫的春聯能為全家人在明年帶來最好的祝福。

Approach to confucian influence of the sense of life - and - death upon the creation of elegiac couplet 儒家生死觀念對挽聯創作的影響探析

On spring festival , many people would like to paste spring festival couplets for blessing 春節時,很多人都喜歡在門上貼春聯以示祝福。

Here is the english translation of the chinese couplet i have produced for the occasion 以下是我的新年愿望,謹在此與各位讀者分享。

A general introduction of the couplets and inscribed boards in ancient buildings of the wudang mountains 武當山古建筑匾聯概述一

Couplet of spring 并排橢圓彈簧

Sevis charge 100 beauty ' s round receipt , the bank is believed in two couplet receipt Sevis費用100美圓的收據,中信銀行兩聯收據。

Free spring couplets and “ gold yuen bao “ chocolates were also distributed 同日發行的還有“吉羊靈猴”十二生肖金銀郵票小型張。

The chinese paste spring couplets on the gateposts when celebrating spring festival 中國人在慶祝春節的時候會在門柱上貼春聯。

Let me say a couplet 我來說個對子

They are already putting out the new year ' s gatepost couplet ? is not it too early 他們已經貼出新年門聯了,不是太早了一點嗎?

Hasn ' t the valentine day to , what had to deliver well , delivers antithetical couplet 情人節到了,沒啥好送的,就送對聯一副。

In f1506 the last two sentences of f1505 are expanded to form a chinese couplet 在f1506內f1505的最后兩句延伸成了一幅對聯。

Take an examination of legal couplet , to the personnel of legal major , better 考法律聯考,對于法律專業的人員,比較好。

Before each couplet , there is a serial number , followed by its author and subject 每副楹聯之前有統一編號,作者和標題。

Sure we ' ve prepared . couplets , firecrackers . we ' ve bought it all 張靜:我們準備了呀,春聯兒啊,鞭炮啊什麼的,都買了。

Exploration into the aesthetic value of antithetic couplets in the tourism scenic spots 旅游景點對聯的審美價值初探

Many people hang couplet inscription on either side of their doors 這時人們打掃房間院落,貼年畫窗花,準備年貨。