
couple n.1.一對,一雙。2.配偶,夫婦,未婚夫妻,一對舞伴。...


He began to count the women with whom he had coupled . 他算了算自己已經跟多少女人睡過覺了。

If she lasts a couple of hours, i shall be surprised . 她要是能拖上兩個小時,我將非常吃驚。

The torque of the couple is intimately associated with a couple . 力偶矩與力偶密切相關。

Come back here, you couple of chicken-livered cowards . 給我回來,你們這一對膽怯的膿包。

I zipped through all of the books in a couple of days . 我一連幾天,飛快地瀏覽了這些書。

They hurried along, a couple of dozen yards perhaps . 他們趕了過去,大約有二、三十步路。

This bit of work can easily be finished in a couple of days . 這點活有個兩三天就干完了。

A high impedance coupling device will limit loading . 一個高阻抗的耦合裝置將限制負載。

The guests came in couples . 客人們成雙成對地來了。

The couple strolled arm in arm . 那對夫妻挽臂漫步。

The amiable couple parted . 這一對親密的伙伴分了手。

They have gone down to brighton for a couple of days . 他們已南下到布賴頓市住兩天。

Come, come! it will be over in a couple of hours . 走吧,走吧。再有一兩個鐘頭就完。

The judge divorced the couple . 法官判決這對夫婦離婚。

The couple cut quite a figure . 那一對夫婦相當出風頭。

The couple talk openly of their love for the first time . 這對情人第一次暢訴衷情。

I spent a couple of days sight-seeing in guilin . 我在桂林盤桓了幾天,觀光了名勝。

A whirling couple of weeks passed . 轉眼過了兩個星期。

The couple was betrothed with the family 's approval . 那對男女經家庭同意訂了婚。