
coup n.〔法語〕1.突然的一擊。2.突然而敏捷的行動;大成功...


They spend more time impressing tourists than plotting coups 他們的時間更多的用于取悅游客,而不是運籌帷幄。

Thailand has had eighteen coups or coup attempts since 1932 自1932年以來,泰國已發起了18次政變或蓄意政變。

The army staged a coup ( d ' etat ) 軍方發動了一場政變

That is equivalent to a coup d ' - tat 那相當是一場政變

Mr gusm ? o described the incident as a thwarted “ coup ” 古斯芒先生把這個事件描述為一次被挫敗的“政變” 。

That is equivalent to a coup d ' tat 那相當是一場政變

This coup has put the country down 政府控制了這個國家

He has been steadily consolidating his power since the coup 自從政變以來,他一直在穩穩地鞏固他的權力。

Tentative study of brazilian - type coup - on brazilian political change of 以1961年巴西政局變動為個案研究

And ifyou start to get overwhelmed or the kids stage a coup . . 當你賽事纏身實在對付不了孩子們的時候.

“ no , thank you ; i gave orders for my coup to follow me . “不,謝謝您,我吩咐叫我的車子跟著來的。 ”

And ifyou start to get overwhelmed or the kids stage a coup 當你賽事纏身實在對付不了孩子們的時候

Military coups , like wars , are easy to start but hard to end 像戰爭一樣,軍事政變開始容易結束難。

The president ' s recent death set the stage for a military coup 總統最近死,醞釀著一場軍事政變

Hey , sam , do you know what a coup d ' etat is ? look it up 嘿,薩姆,你知道什么叫軍事政變?查一下

The president ' s recent death set the stage for a military coup 總統最近死后,醞釀著一場軍事政變

The final coup de grace . i told jimmy 最后的致命一擊,我告訴吉米

You performing a coup de grace on me by bustin ' a cap in my crown . . 你在我的腦殼上來一槍. .

. . . to kiii the president in an attempted coup d “ etat 他們準備干掉總統然后還企圖發動軍事政變