
county n.1.〔英國〕郡〔與專有名詞連用時用 shire.例:...

county alderman

Development strategy of seed companies of county level 縣級國有種子公司發展策略

Probing into mashehuo in zhangjiazhai of pingan county 平安縣張家寨村馬社火初探

We ' re now in heqing county to the north of dali 我們現在是大理州北部的鶴慶縣。

We can sue the county , but it ' ll take months 我們可以告縣政府,不過要好幾個月

China was the first country in the world to plant rice. this is evident in the remains of rice covering an area of 400 square metres found in the ruins of hemudu in yuyao county , zhejiang province , which dates back more than 6,000 years . 中國是世界上最早種植水稻的國家。

Tears came into the eyes of retty, the pretty red-haired youngest--the last bud of the parideiles, so important in the county annals . 那個年紀頂輕,有紅頭發的漂亮萊蒂--蒲利氏最后的一枝骨朵兒,在當地的譜牒上占那樣重要的地位--還滿眼含淚哪!

In most states of the u. s., county level farmers organizations have a major influence on the hiring, firing and salaries of county extension agents . 在美國大多數州,縣級的農民組織對縣推廣辦的工作人員的雇用、免職和工資數額具有很大影響。

The fair boy stopped and jerked his stockings with an automatic gesture that made the jungle seem for a moment like the home counties . 金發少年停住腳,自自然然地緊緊襪子。他這動作一時間讓人覺得這孩子好象是在老家一樣。

Finally a deputation waited on him to propose that he should stand for the county council election that was shortly to be held . 終于,來了一個代表團拜訪他,提議他充當即將舉行的郡議會選舉的候選人。

Thousands of other people have stepped into the welfare lines in ohio's 88 counties and experienced a rude awakening . 在俄亥俄州的八十八個縣里,另外有幾千人踏進了福利救濟的行列,并且突然覺悟了。

Within two years he sold the idea of wedding indianapolis and marion county into an omnibus governmental unit . 不到兩年,他實現下述主張:把印地安那波利斯市和馬里恩縣的政府聯合起來。

At that time, in the uncertain light of dawn, that way passed curtis raidler, the nueces county cattle man . 那當兒,在熹微的晨光中,紐西斯郡的牧場主,柯蒂斯雷德勒碰巧走過。

There was a number of stations throughout the london administrative county routinely monitoring atmospheric pollution . 倫敦州管轄范圍內有許多站定期地監測大氣污染。

Judgings, competitions, shows and county and state fairs are all open to the students'projects . 評判、競賽、表演和縣級以及州級的市場都允許學生的項目參加。

There was only one public bathroom in the small county town and it was always packed with people .. 小小縣城只有一家公共浴池,因此天天爆滿。

Rarity is the attribute of a vast number of species of all classes, in all counties . 稀少現象是一切地方的一切綱內的大多數物種的一個屬性。

Else why the hurry, especially in the face of an approaching county election ? 不然的話,憑什么要這樣急,尤其是鎮里的選舉迫在眼前了。

The admiration of his county made him believe he had a flavour in general society . 全郡對他的敬仰使他相信他在社交活動中別有風韻。

Montgomery county is pennsylvania's wealthiest and most sophisticated county . 蒙哥馬利縣是賓夕法尼亞州最富有、最講究的縣。