
countrywoman 鄉下婦女;女同胞,女同鄉。


The reason is that the progress and development of chinese society , especially the participation of political life , regarded as the top format and major ruler of countrywomen liberation in our country , cannot stay out of the liberation of women who occupy half population of the whole country , and of the active participation to present lives of rural women 本文是以吉林市農村婦女政治參與的現狀分析為例,將理論研究與實證分析相結合,著重闡述阻礙農村婦女政治參與的影響因素及促進婦女政治參與的幾點對策。通過這次調查筆者發現,目前中國農民的政治參與程度明顯不足,特別是農村婦女政治參與的起點水平相當低。

For years hayek fought to get the film made , eventually becoming the movie s producer , and the actress powered the the project into production by the sheer force of her desire to bring the life story of her fellow countrywoman to the screen 1995年,她回國拍攝了史詩片神秘的小巷。影片不僅為她贏得了廣泛贊譽,還打破了票房記錄,成為墨西哥電影史上最為人稱道的影片之一。

Today , it is obvious that chinese rural farmers as a whole have insufficient political participation ; to change the current condition of rural farmers ’ political participation in china is firstly to change the political brink status of countrywoman 在今天,隨著婦女解放運動的不斷深入,婦女的地位日益提高,婦女在社會進步和發展中的作用也日益明顯。

Following this honor , hopkins chose roles that cast him as a father figure , first in the ploddingly long meet joe black and then in the have - mask - will - swashbuckle mask of zorro with antonio banderas and fellow countrywoman catherine zeta - jones 1996年,安東尼霍普金斯又在影片八月august 1996和surviving plc - asso中有著十分出色的表演。

“ in the first place , because i had spoken much of you to him , as you may believe ; and in the second , because he delighted to see a countrywoman take so lively an interest in his success . “第一,因為我對他常常談起您,這是您可以意料得到的第二,因為他很高興看到一位女同胞,并且很高興看到她這樣熱心地關切他的勝利。 ”

Discussion on the relationship between the countrywomen ' s parity and birth outcome in poor rural china 經濟落后地區農村婦女產次與妊娠結局關系的探討

A study on the puerperal countrywoman ' s dietary and influence factors of macheng country 麻城農村產婦產褥期飲食習慣及其影響因素

Service status of the countrywomen ' s reproductive health in the suburbia of yunchuan city 銀川市郊區農村婦女生殖健康服務狀況調查

Influence of the health education on the pregnancy countrywomen ' s health actions 健康教育對農村婦女孕期保健行為的影響

Mental health of the countrywomen and influence factors 農村已婚婦女心理健康狀態及相關因素研究

An investigation on countrywomen s political participation 湖北省長陽縣農村調查小結