
countrywide adj.全國(性)的。


Recently , china ’ s insurance industry continues to develop quickly , with the countrywide of premium income to 3053 hundred of million in 2002 , the same as than increase exceed to 30 % , far from hyper the same term gdp of increase 在國際上由于直接業務承保利潤普遍下降,甚至虧損,保險資金運用逐步成為保險經營中不可或缺的重要環節。

Concerned branch carries pair of investigation of 28 cities of countrywide , discover the city with latitude is similar and different longitude , area of the eastpart part is teenage the figure of the area is bixibude tall 有關部門通過對全國28個城市的調查,發現緯度相似而經度不同的城市,東部地區青少年比西部地區的身材為高。

After 10 years “ development , china ' s securities market grew up little by little , from regional market to a countrywide market that had a certain scale , obtaining remarkable achievements 中國證券市場經過10年發展,證券市場從無到有,從小到大,從地區性市場迅速發展成為具有一定規模的全國性市場,取得了令世人矚目的成就。

The national bureau of statistics also said in a news conference that the consumer price index in march rose 3 . 3 percent from the same month last year , and that fixed - asset investment countrywide grew 23 . 7 percent 國家統計局同時表示,三月份消費品價格平均比去年同期上揚3 . 3個百分點,全國固定資產投資增長23 . 7 %

Complete daily office administration management independently , and assist the countrywide office supplies . cooperate hr & admin . manager to draft , modify correlative documents and regulations 獨立完成辦公室日常的行政管理工作,并協助全國的辦公用品采購工作。配合人事行政經理起草、修改相關的文件和規定。

We are always welcome to manage case study with our clients to cope with the problems . we persist in seals business . to reinforce our services , our service network are expending countrywide 本公司未來的業務方向仍然堅持專業經營密封件,不斷在全國各地開設門市,使用戶能在最短時間內得到產品及技術上

I think , countrywide national people ' s congress is discussing individual income tax case before collecting a place , ought to make clear above all , what right does the taxpayer of individual income tax have 我認為,全國人大在討論個人所得稅的起征點之前,應當首先明確,個人所得稅的納稅人有什么權利?

Occupy the statistic by 2002 to make clear , countrywide city is gotten low the number that keeps gold already rose to 19 . 64 million person , came true basically to should defend the target that defend 據2002年底的統計表明,全國城市領取低保金的人數已上升到1964萬人,基本實現了應保盡保的目標。

But as home prices began dropping last year and borrower defaults soared , countrywide ' s lending practices came under the spotlight of legislators , regulators and consumer advocates 但是當房價從去年開始下跌和信貸者拖欠還款急劇增加,公司的借貸行為進入了立法機構,監管機構和消協的視野中。

The specialists went away from there when combat actions had become countrywide and geographically were approaching to the facilities at which the russians worked . this was done voluntarily 為采用石油加工最新技術,斯拉夫石油雅羅斯拉夫爾煉油股份公司進行了改造,這是該州最大的項目之一。

Is located is a cross point of 3 railways to the countrywide . it is 25 kilometers from taiyuan , 10 kilometers from taiyuan international airport and tai yiu highway the transportation is very convenient 公里,榆次市是通向山西省三條鐵路干線的交叉點,距太原國際機場和太舊高速公路均只有

At present , our country has established macro - economy forecast and warning system around the countrywide , the city of chongqing has established the center of economic information 目前,我國已經建立了全國范圍的宏觀經濟監測預警系統,很多行業以及區域已經建立了自己的監測預測系統。

Although the terms of the deal are unclear , if the sale goes through bank of america would be taking on significant legal liabilities stemming from countrywide ' s lending practices 盡管交易日期尚未明朗,如果交易順利,美洲銀行會承擔由全國金融公司放貸行為造成損失的法律責任。

In 1998 , the countrywide fruit information net is set up in the beijing fruit corporation . it offers the fruit price , nutritional information , fruit science , fruit and diet , and more 1998年果品公司建立了全國果品信息網,可提供果品價格信息、營養信息、果品消費科學等信息。

The promotion of the product of the enterprise and engineering technology already expanded 20 many provinces city of countrywide , municipality , the product sells as far as to the united states 企業的產品及工藝技術的推廣已擴展到全國20多個省市、自治區,產品遠銷美國。

Now gsm is countrywide , establishing the reading meter system with gsm need not reconstruct the base station and has high dependability of sending data 目前蜂窩移動無線網( gsm )幾乎遍及全國,利用gsm網絡構建抄表系統時,可以不必重建基站,而且傳輸數據可靠性高。

Hello , begin from 2004 , time of recruit students of countrywide adult college undertakes adjustment , execute “ enter a school of the 2nd year of autumn exam , spring “ 你好,從2004年開始,全國成人高校招生時間進行調整,實行“秋季考試、第二年春季入學” 。

With the countrywide increasing in train speed and more and more goods and passengers have to transit , the issue of railway safety has become a hot topic 隨著列車全面提速以及鐵路部門客貨運輸量不斷增大,鐵路線路負荷不斷加重,鐵路安全問題日益突出。

Tencent and beijing federal software co . ltd . has reached a cooperation agreement , according to which federal will be the sole agent for tencent qq card countrywide 騰訊公司和北京連邦軟件股份有限公司達成合作協議,由連邦公司全國獨家代理騰訊qq卡。