
countryside 鄉下,農村;地方;地方居民。


These aims go hand in hand with such other goals as preventing environmental damage to the countryside and preserving the traditional unit of farming . 這些目標與其他(如防止農村環境破壞和保護傳統的農業單位)這樣的目標聯合發揮作用。

Smedley and the chinese women with whom she sided on this issue had just come from the city and had little experience in the countryside . 史沫特萊和在這類問題上與她一致的那些中國婦女都剛從城市中來,對農村還缺乏了解。

It fell hardest on the irish, and families wandered the countryside eating what they could find, even weeds and dead animals . 愛爾蘭人受害最甚,無數家庭在鄉間流浪,找到什么就吃什么,甚至雜草和死了的動物也吃。

He was the bard of the farmers and workers of new england and his quiet verse mirrored the staid new hampshire countryside . 他是新英格蘭農民和工人的歌唱者,他的閑適的詩歌反映著新罕布什爾寧靜的農村生活。

He would suddenly appear and whisk me off to some excursion in the rolling countryside of lakes, meadows, and vast foresta . 他會突然出現,把我拉到點綴著湖泊、牧場和巨大森林的綿延起伏的原野去游覽。

It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside . 每當想到一只危險的野生動物在平靜的鄉村里無管束地游蕩,焦慮不安之情便油然而生。

A breath of the countryside seemed to be wafted into that panelled room in the middle of london . 一股鄉村的氣息仿佛吹進了這間處在倫敦中心的帶鑲板的房子里。

People go further and further away to reach open air and countryside which continuously recedes from them . 人們越走越遠,以期趨近漸漸遠去的曠野和農村。

Each weekend 10, 000 teachers go into the countryside to run a campaign against illiteracy . 每個周末都有一萬名教師到農村去進行掃盲運動。

It brought a new, safe light to the gaslit cities and candlelit countryside . 它給點煤氣燈的城市和點蠟燭的鄉村帶來了一種安全的新光源。

The open countryside was pleasant, the green moor sparkling in the sunshine . 廣闊的村野,令人心曠神怡;綠色的沼澤,在陽光下閃閃發光。

Have you ever seen them plundering, burning, turning the countryside into a desert ? 你曾看見過他們搶呀、燒呀、把農村變成一片荒野嗎?

Two years in france had opened his eyes to the beauty of his own countryside . 在法國的兩年,使他能看出這里的鄉村風景是美麗的。

And then i wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season . 于是在這無情的季節,可怕的夜間,我在鄉野徘徊。

I was enjoying the peace of the countryside when i fell and twisted my ankle . 我當時正在欣賞鄉村的寧靜,突然摔倒扭傷了踝骨。

The real difference between city and countryside goes beyond income figures . 城市和農村的真正差別還不僅在于收入的數字。

I wander about the dread nocturnal countryside of this inhuman season . 在這無情的季節里,在這可怕的夜間,我在鄉野徘徊。

A short time before, great trees had covered the countryside for miles around . 不久以前,方圓幾英里的鄉村都長滿了大樹。

I thought all that countryside more beautiful and peaceful than before . 我只覺得這郊野的風光比以前美妙得多,寧靜得多。