
countryman 鄉下人;某地[國]的人;同國人,同胞,同鄉(fellow...


And i see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny 在這里,我看到的是一支我的鄉親父老們反抗暴政的雄師。

87 love in action developing love for fellow countrymen during a flood disaster 87把愛付諸行動水災中發揮同胞手足之愛

A reflection derived from the cultural modelling tendency of present - day countrymen 由當今國人文化模塑趨向引起的思考

Congratulations , my friend . thank you , but i think my countrymen hate me 祝賀,朋友謝謝你,但是我想國人肯定都恨我

Would they not reach higher than their fellow countrymen from 1929 他們會比他們1929年探險隊的同胞們攀登得更高嗎?

These are our countrymen 這些都是我們的同胞

Analyzing trends of medical service demand and use among gaoan countryman 高安市農村居民醫療服務需求與利用趨勢研究

So besides your countryman yao ming , who is your favorite nba player 那除了你的同胞姚明以外,誰是您喜愛的nba球員

Colonel ! even if they are our enemies , they ' re still our countrymen 上校!就算他們是敵人,可仍然是我們的同胞

Encouragement for heroes combating sars prayers for the good health of countrymen 鼓舞抗疫英雄,祈福國人健康!

I should like my country well enough , if it were not for my countrymen 我會很愛我的祖國,要不是有同胞們的話。

Twain ' s countrymen thought he had succeeded in each of these aims 馬克?吐溫的同胞認為他已經達到了這些目標。

To our own countrymen , but we wouldn ' t compromise . . 解釋說,我們只有一些小小的失敗但是我們并不會妥協… …

Born and bred a countryman , he was bewildered by london 因為他是土生土長的鄉下人,到倫敦來就暈頭轉向了。

My countrymen find that troubling 我州人民覺得很不安

My countryman , and my neighbour 毀掉我的同胞,我的鄰居

Many countrymen depart from their hometown to beijing to find their jobs 很多農民離開老家到北京找工作

I shall like my country well enough , if it is not for my countrymen 我很愛我的祖國,要不是有同胞的話。

To our own countrymen , but we wouldn ' t compromise 解釋說,我們只有一些小小的失敗但是我們并不會妥協