
country road 1.(舊時英國的)農村公路。2.鄉間道路。

country rocky

The company faces 104 countries road closely , cover an area of a face to accumulate 6600 square metre , floor area 5000 square metre 公司緊臨104國道,占地面積6600平方米,建筑面積5000平方米。

After they were back , every day in the morning and dusk , my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road 他們回來之后,每天的清晨或黃昏,母親都會攙扶著父親在鄉村的小路上漫步。

After they were back , everyday in the morning and dusk , my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country road 他們回來之后,每天的清晨或黃昏,母親都回攙扶著父親在鄉村的小路上漫步。

Vibrant colors and striking contrast transform a winding country road in vermont into a storybook scene 生動的色彩和鮮明的對比,將弗蒙特州一條崎嶇的鄉間小路變成了童話故事中的美景。

He had two flat tires and no spare on a country road , which was certainly a pretty kettle of fish 夜里在鄉村小路上,他的車子兩個輪胎漏氣了,又沒有備用輪胎,他肯定難辦死了。

The day passed happily as they traveled over green hills and along narrow country roads 然后,他們翻過青山,沿著一條狹窄的鄉村小路旅行著,就這樣快快樂樂地過了一天。

It is madness pure and simple to race wildly on a bicycle down a country road , chasing a motorcar 在鄉村道路上騎著自行車拼命去追一輛汽車,完全是頭腦發瘋了。

China : qihelu , guangzhu gong lu 105 country road , dong sheng , zhong shan , guang dong , mainland china 國內工廠:廣東省中山市東升鎮廣珠公路105國道旁啟和路2號

The carriage left the streets behind , passed the north barrier , and emerged upon the country road “馬車把街道丟在后面,穿過北門關隘進入鄉間道路。

While walking down a country road , andy passed the remains of a dog that had been hit by a car 安迪走在鄉間小路上,經過一支被車撞死的小狗遺骸。

A lane is a narrow country road which winds between fields , connecting villages “ lane ”亦指郊外的狹窄小路,蜿蜒穿過田間,連接各個村落。

A young couple drove several miles down a country road , not saying a word 一對年輕的夫婦開著車行駛在鄉村公路上,幾英里都沒有說一句話。

J : he chose the song named country road . his voice sounds just like john denver ' s 他唱了《鄉村小路》這首歌,他的聲音可真像約翰?丹佛。

A couple drove several miles down a country road , not saying a word 一對夫婦駕駛汽車在鄉間路上行駛了幾公里,彼此間沒有說任何的話語。

With so many small villages on the plateau , there is a dense network of country roads 由于高原上鄉村十分多,因此鄉村的交通十分發達。

He chose the song named country road . his voice sounds just like john denver ' s 他唱了《鄉村小路》這首歌,他的聲音可真像約翰?丹佛。

Along the country road , there were many beautiful flowers , green grass and trees 在小路旁邊,有許多漂亮的野花、綠草和樹木。

Along the country road , there were many beautiful flowers , green grass and trees 在小路旁邊,有許多美麗的野花、綠草和樹木。

Along the country road , there were many beautiful flowers , green grass and trees 在小路旁邊,有許多美麗的野花綠草和樹木。