
country house (鄉紳貴族等的)莊宅 (opp. town house)...

country jake

Only one who has had the same experiencethat is , has spent several months continuously in the atmosphere of an army in the fieldcan imagine the delight nikolay felt when he got out of the region overspread by the troops with their foraging parties , trains of provisions , and hospitals ; when he saw no more soldiers , army waggons , and filthy traces of the camp , but villages of peasants and peasant women , gentlemens country houses , fields with grazing oxen , and station - houses and sleepy overseers , he rejoiced as though he were seeing it all for the first time 一個人只有一連數月不斷地處于軍旅和戰斗生活氣氛中,方能體會到尼古拉此時所享受的那種歡樂:他從部隊籌集糧秣,運送軍糧和設置野戰醫院的那一地區脫身出來他現在看見的不再是士兵大車和污穢的軍營,而是農夫農婦的鄉村,鄉紳的住宅,放牧畜群的田野,驛站和酣然入睡的驛站長,他就像第一次看到這一切情形那樣高興。

Part three : analyzing the obstacles of developing the housing mortgage securitization in our country now , including the our country housing mortgage scale is not enough big , insurance and guarantee mechanism is not sound and personal reputation mechanism is not perfect , the marketization of interest rate system is not completed , the development of institution investor is still not mature and the development of intermediate institution is not perfect , the system of law is not sound , the related accounting system and tax revenue system is lack and blank etc . part four : passing the analysis of the second and third part put forward the whole idea and concrete strategies in our country to develop the housing mortgage securitization 第二部分:首先對全球住房抵押貸款證券化的發展狀況進行了簡要的介紹與分析,然后選擇對我國有借鑒意義的美國、加拿大和香港等典型國家和地區的住房抵押貸款證券化實踐進行了詳細的比較分析,并從中得出:住房抵押貸款證券化是住房抵押貸款一級市場巨大發展的必然結果:政府的支持非常重要;住房抵押貸款證券化的發展需要一定的基礎條件以及需要因地制宜等一些關鍵性的啟示。第三部分:分析了我國當前實施住房抵押貸款證券化所面臨的一些具體障礙,其中包括有我國住房抵押貸款規模不夠大、保險與擔保機制不健全、個人信用體系不完善、利率體系非市場化、機構投資者的發展還不成熟、中介服務機構發展不完善、法律法規制度不健全以及相關會計制度和稅收制度的欠缺和空白等一系列的問題。

He thought of his wife who was staying in a country house near macon , where her friend mme de chezelles had been ailing a good deal since the autumn . the carriages in the roadway were rolling through a stream of mud . the country , he thought , must be detestable in such vile weather 現在,他想到了他的妻子,她住在馬孔附近的一座古堡里,她的女友德謝澤勒夫人也住在古堡里,從秋天起,她病得很厲害馬路上的馬車,像在泥濘般的河道中間行駛,這樣的鬼天氣,在鄉下就糟糕了。

Along with the reform progress of our country housing system continuously quicken , the demand of the housing mortgage will quickly increase , this will make our country financing institution ' s short - term funds be used by long - term loan contradiction and funds missing problem quickly appear , and now this kind of condition has appeared in some regions of our country , the housing mortgage securitization to be used as a good the path of solution is very much deserve we to go deep into research 隨著我國住房制度改革進程的不斷加快,住房抵押貸款的需求量將快速增長,這必將會使我國金融機構“短存長貸”的矛盾和資金短缺問題很快凸現,而且目前我國一些地區這種狀況已經出現,住房抵押貸款證券化作為一條較好的解決途徑非常值得我們進行深入細致的研究。本文通過借鑒典型國家和地區住房抵押貸款證券化的經驗,結合我國的現實狀況,提出了我國當前實施住房抵押貸款證券化的策略。

I soon found i had but a little past by the place where i had been before , when i travell d on foot to that shore ; so taking nothing out of my boat , but my gun and my umbrella , for it was exceeding hot , i began my march : the way was comfortable enough after such a voyage as i had been upon , and i reach d my old bower in the evening , where i found every thing standing as i left it ; for i always kept it in good order , being , as i said before , my country house 所以,我決定第二天早晨沿海岸西行,看看能不能找到一條小河停泊我的小戰艦,以便需要的時候再來取它。我駕船沿岸行駛約三海里,找到了一個小灣,約一英里寬,愈往里愈窄,最后成了一條小溪。這對于我的小船倒是一個進出方便的港口,就仿佛是專門為它建立的小船塢似的。

It was more , far more ; a country house built for enjoyment pure and simple , with not an acre of troublesome land attached to it beyond what was required for residential purposes , and for a little fancy farm kept in hand by the owner , and tended by a bailiff . the crimson brick lodge came first in sight , up to its eaves in dense evergreens 它不是那種莊園,而且遠不是那種莊園能夠相比的它完全是一座純粹為了享樂而建的一幢鄉村別墅,除了建筑別墅所需要的土地和一小塊由莊園主經管由管家照看的養鳥的農田外,就再也沒有一畝添麻煩的田地同它連在一起了。

Heartning my self therefore with the belief that this was nothing but the print of one of my own feet , and so i might be truly said to start at my own shadow , i began to go abroad again , and went to my country house , to milk my flock ; but to see with what fear i went forward , how often i look d behind me , how i was ready every now and then to lay down my basket , and run for my life , it would have made any one have thought i was haunted with an evil conscience , or that i had been lately most terribly frighted , and so indeed i had 一是另外找個適當的地方,挖一個地洞,每天晚上把羊趕進去另一個辦法是再圈兩三塊小地方,彼此相隔較遠,愈隱蔽愈好,每個地方養六七只羊。萬一大羊群遭到不測,我還可以花點時間和精力再恢復起來。這個辦法雖然要付出很多時間和勞力,但我卻認為是一個最合理的。

Caroline hequet in the meantime was having a warm discussion with labordette . both of them were agreed that nana would be selling her country house before three months were out , and caroline was urging labordette to buy it back for her for as little as it was likely to fetch 卡羅利娜埃凱這時和拉博德特在進行嚴肅的談話他們一致認為,不到三個月,娜娜就會把別墅賣掉,卡羅利娜委托拉博德特私下里替她用廉價買下這座別墅。

Chapter two analyzes the causes of risks of the business from the perspectives of property developers , borrower , banks , mortgage security and regulatory and legal environment . chapter three introduces the best experience and practice in developed countries housing 在論文的第二章,筆者分別從開發商、借款人、銀行自身、抵押物、宏觀經濟環境等五個方面詳細闡述了個人住房按揭貸款風險形成的原因。

“ i m a landowner , you know . yes , i m buying a country house near orleans , in a part of the world to which you sometimes betake yourself . baby told me you did - little georges hugon , i mean “你知道,我有房子了是的,我買了一座鄉間別墅,靠近奧爾良,那個地方你有時去玩,這是寶寶告訴我的,就是小喬治于貢,你認識他嗎?

The vast laure , meltingly maternal as ever , used often to invite her to pass a day or two at her asnieries villa , a country house containing seven spare bedrooms 胖老板娘洛爾待她像慈母一樣,經常邀請娜娜到她在阿斯尼埃爾的別墅住幾天,那是一座鄉村別墅,有好幾間臥室,可供七個婦女居住。

Features short articles on aspects of history and culture , including the union jack , country houses , education and the definitions of united kingdom , great britain and british isles -個人網站。來自北京的留學生用數碼相機拍攝的照片,包括英國風光校園街道交通日常生活等主題。

Ran lived at marseilles , so that this country house was useless to him , and it was reported to be let to a young widow , known only by the name of the baroness 圣梅郎先生住在馬賽,所以他用不著這所鄉村別墅。據說房子已租給了一個青年寡婦,大家只知道她叫男爵夫人。

Schroeder , who left office last month , is taking intensive lessons in the small welsh town of montgomery in an 18th century country house , the reports said 不過,這位德國政壇曾經的大忙人現在卻可以在學習之余,忙里偷閑地喝上一些自己鐘愛的啤酒。

“ on saturday , if you will - yes . - let me see - saturday - i am to dine at my country house , at auteuil , on that day , rue de la fontaine , no . 28 “星期六,如果你們是的讓我想想看星期六。星期六晚上我在歐特伊村芳丹街二十八號的別墅里請客人吃飯。

The destruction of the english country house is simultaneously a picture book and , in the editor ' s words , a “ tract for the times “ 《英國鄉村住宅的毀滅》一書不僅是一部圖畫書,同時,用其編者的話說,也是一部“具有時代教益”的書。

Russia ' s military offered compensation to a homeowner after a small rocket veered off course and hit his country house outside moscow 俄羅斯軍方提議賠償一名屋主,在一枚小型火箭改變路線,擊中他位于莫斯科市郊的鄉間房屋后。

They had a predilection for certain casts of characters and settings , with the secluded english country house at the top of the list 這類偵探小說對某類角色和背景有著一種偏好,隱秘的英國鄉村房子就是首選。

At etchkino , that way , said an officer of the cossacks , pointing out to him a country house in the far distance “嘿,在哪里,在葉奇金。 ”一個哥薩克軍官指著遠處的一所地主的房子,說。