
country n.1.國家;國土;(全)國民,民眾。2.本國,祖國;家...

country and western

Terrorism is a threat to the whole country . 恐怖主義是整個國家的禍根。

Aileen : it is the same in every country . 艾蓮:每個國家都一樣。

We feel proud of our great country . 我們為偉大的祖國而感到驕傲。

Julia was dressed as a fat country man . 朱麗雅化裝成一位胖鄉紳。

The country 's economy is dependent on tourism . 該國經濟依賴于旅游業。

His death is a great loss to the country . 他的死是國家的大損失。

I was not fond of any more country rambles . 我不打算再到鄉間去游蕩了。

The aid was a great boon for the country . 這項援助對該國有極大的好處。

Profits are flowing out of the country . 利潤源源不斷地流向國外。

Venal judges are a disgrace to a country . 貪污腐敗的法官是國家的恥辱。

We were packed off to stay in the country . 我們被送到鄉下去了。

Which country is hosting the games this year ? 今年的運動會由哪國主辦?

I hate being shut away in the country . 我很不喜歡住在閉塞的鄉村。

Tempests are terrible in this country . 在這些地方,雷雨是十分可怕的。

Lift our country from the state of poorness . 改變我國一窮二白的面貌。

Why go to norway , of all countries ? 有的是國家,為什么偏要去挪威呢?

The country 's armament will take years . 國家的武裝過程需要幾年。

The game was aired to all parts of the country .. 比賽實況向全國廣播。

Zhejiang is known as the land of tea of our country . 浙江是我國茶鄉。