
countless adj.無數的,數不盡的。


May happiness in countless ways fill each moment of your holiday 愿數不盡的快樂伴你佳節每一刻

Over and over , i was alone in . countless sleepless nights 一次又一次,我獨自在無數的失眠夜里。

You will find countless opportunities to use them every day 每天你都有無數次使用到它們的機會。

Countless facts have proved this point 無數的事實證明了這一點。

Countless beautiful lotus is yan had a more pleasant 朵朵美麗的荷花開得正艷,更加討人喜歡。

The night sky was set with countless stars 無數的星星點綴著夜空。

Acadian , i ' ve fought countless times 阿卡迪亞人,我戰斗過無數次。

These forests have reigned supreme for countless millennia 這些森林生長繁茂已有千萬年之久。

Even though you are just one , countless lives of people depend on you 一人緊系多少蒼生性命

A teenager helps save countless animals lives 挽救無數動物生命的少女

The other form of countless optimal solution 無窮多最優解的另一種形式

I ' ve asked myself countless times why i never saw 我已經無數次的問我為什么我沒有發現. .

Countless songs have been written about time 無數的歌曲是有關時間的。

And saw countless beings were still groveling in darkness , 看到無數的眾生,在黑暗中盲求

. . . for drug trafficking and other countless charges 罪名是走私毒品還有其他一系列的犯罪

Countless efforts by the spread of credit 無數的努力,傳揚的是別人的功勞

A countless number of girls fastened onto the movie star 無數少女迷戀那位電影名星。

This glacier has been here for countless generations 這條冰河在此已歷經無數個世代。

I have told your countless time but you still forget 我已告訴你無數次而你還是忘記。