
countess n.1.伯爵夫人〔英國指 earl 的妻子,歐洲大陸指 ...


This letter did not soothe the countess 這封信沒有使伯爵夫人放心。

Leave off talking nonsense , said the countess “不要再講蠢話了。 ”

The countess could not believe her ears 伯爵夫人不相信自己的耳朵。

Exclaimed the countess ; “ is he here in paris ? 伯爵夫人大聲說道, “那么,他也在這兒嗎? ”

Pierre was sitting between his wife and the old countess 皮埃爾坐在妻子和老伯爵夫人中間。

Run away , natasha ; i will call you , the countess whispered “娜塔莎,你去吧,我會叫你。 ”

The countess sailed in while they were talking 他們正在談話,伯爵夫人雍容華貴地走了進來。

During the first act , the countess g - entered 第一幕上演的時候,伯爵夫人走進了她的包廂。

“ then the countess g - has returned to paris , has she ? “那么說伯爵夫人已回到巴黎來了? ”

Thats the young countess rostov , the very girl “這是羅斯托娃,就是”

Your offer the countess began at last , sedately “您的求婚”伯爵夫人老成持重地開始說。

He was especially interested by the countess sabine 使他特別感興趣的是薩比娜伯爵夫人。

“ i ll tell you , “ answered the countess “我告訴您吧, ”伯爵夫人答道。

Yes , i have noticed that , said countess marya “是的,我也注意到了。 ”

Said the countess , without replying to the question 伯爵夫人說,并不回答基督山的問題。

Yes , i know , said countess marya . natasha told me “噢,我知道, ”瑪麗亞伯爵夫人說。

The countess g - insists upon it that he is a vampire . 伯爵夫人堅持說他是一具僵尸。 ”

“ are you very anxious to know , countess ? “您急于想知道嗎,伯爵夫人? ”

And who is it that she takes after ! thought the countess “她這副模樣究竟像誰呀! ”