
counterwork vt.,vi.對抗行動;阻礙;破壞。n.對抗;【軍事】對...


Because of some problems of internet bank of the development of chongqing and the counterwork , the study is very important , especially based on chongqing city area . the problems are lying on : ( l ) the worry of security ( 2 ) the obstacle between commercial banks ( 3 ) the rule of law is ambiguity ( 4 ) the network station of the commercial banks is dropped behind 重慶市網上銀行存在的問題和影響是: ( 1 )安全性憂慮:網民對網上交易安全性問題的擔憂一直處于各類問題之首; ( 2 )跨行障礙:網上銀行不能跨行方便地劃轉資金; ( 3 )法規不明; ( 4 )網站建設嚴重落后。

Following are the conclusions : first , it was considered that natural condition exerts an important influence on the development of the city , namely ascendant natural conditions bring stimulative effects and inferior conditions do obstructive one . on the whole , the effects of natural conditions undergo conversion from sustainment to counterwork ; second , traffic artery to the outside is the esco rt of city spread ; third , policy and adjustment of economical structure affect the development of the city in short period 得出以下結論:自然條件對濟南市城市空間擴展有重要影響,優越的自然條件對城市擴展有促進作用,而部分地段自然條件則成為城市發展的限制因素,自然條件對城市的發展由對城市的支持變為對城市發展的限制;對外交通干線是城市擴展中的有力導軌,交通條件優越的區域優先轉變為城市用地;政策和經濟結構調整短期內對城市的發展起主導作用。

The work in this thesis focuses on the design , exploitation and realization of the tcvs . the main research and achievements are as follows : ( 1 ) the developing environment of software associate with mfc , opcngl and opengvs , which establish the virtual combat environment of the underwater acoustic counterwork with three - dimensional visual simulation and sound , etc . the problem of chinese character display under opengvs has been solved , and the assistant charts have been used to show the parameter of underwater combat 本論文圍繞“水聲對抗三通道視景仿真系統”的設計、開發及實現而展開,其主要研究工作及所取得的研究成果如下:基于mfc 、 opengl和opengvs聯合的軟件開發環境,建立了三維視景、聲效及許多效果相結合的水聲對抗虛擬環境。

The internationalization of securities business is a significant component part of the cosmopolitan finance and even the economic development , the currently development of worldly financing securities and the money market integration development speed up every country ' s nation negotiable securities business internationalize course , and bring direct effect to most countries “ economic development , at the same time also result in fresh problem to every state nation ' s securities law system , since there are obvious divergence in domestic securities law system of every state nation , currently in effect international statue mechanism also counterwork the internationalization in securities marketplace , hence the internationalization of securities business will surely bring distinct degree shocks to every state nation ' s securities statue system . in order to resolve this issue , most country ' s legislation about securities show harmonization to avoid different conflict of different country ' s domestic law , so a lot o f countries “ legislation show worldly compatibility in many aspects , moreover by means of protocol , treaty to avert the securities law conflict 當前全球融資證券化和金融市場一體化的發展使各國證券市場國際化的進程日益加快,并對各國的經濟發展產生了直接的影響,同時也給各國原有的證券法律制度帶來了新的問題。由于各國現有的國內證券法律制度存在著較大的差異,現行國際法律機制對證券市場國際化也有較大阻力,因此證券市場國際化這一經濟現象必將對各國的證券法律制度產生不同程度的沖擊。為了解決這個問題,各國有關證券的新立法多以避免各自國家國內法的沖突而達于協調為主旨,從而各國在立法方面顯示出全球一致性,并通過各種協議、條約來避免證券法律沖突。

But modern electronic counterwork technic could exactly estimate the carrier frequency , signal period , even the pseudo - random ( pn ) sequence itself of direct sequence spread spectrum ( dsss ) . it is urgency to investigate a new dsss to achieve lower probability of detection ( lpd ) and higher anti - jamming 然而現代電子對抗技術可以準確估計直接序列擴頻通信的載波頻率、符號周期甚至擴頻碼本身,為達到更低截獲率和更高抗干擾的通信目的,必須研究新的直擴通信技術。

In order to evaluate the fight effects of using the underwater acoustic countermeasure equipment ( uace ) , the method of counterwork effectiveness of the uace including the rule of evaluation and the method of simulation experiment was given based on the underwater acoustic countermeasure simulation and evaluation system , and then a series of simulation experiments between using the uace or not were made , and a typical experiment result was given 摘要為了評估水聲對抗器材對抗魚雷的作戰效果,在水聲對抗仿真評估系統的基礎上,給出了針對水聲對抗器材的對抗效果評估方法,包括評估準則、仿真試驗方法等,并進行了水面艦不采用對抗措施和采用對抗措施兩種情況下水聲對抗器材對抗魚雷的仿真試驗,給出了試驗結果。

This dissertation derives from the national ninth five - year plan project “ torpedo weapon system development and mathematic simulation methods research “ and china shipbuilding industry group ' s project “ sub - water multi - target trajectory counterwork distributed interactive simulation system “ 本論文題目來源于總裝備部“九五”預研課題“魚雷武器系統規劃發展數學仿真方法”和中國船舶重工集團第七五零試驗場課題“水下多目標彈道對抗分布交互仿真系統” 。

This paper is on the research of a new multifunctional decoy composition , which can counterwork the weapons guided by infrared and radar ( electromagnetic ) . the research on the preparation of the complex decoy is detailed below 為對抗紅外制導和雷達(電磁)制導于一體復合制導武器的出現,該論文開展一種新型多功能復合誘餌劑的制備工藝及其性能測試方面的研究。

And particularly the fundamental and direct counterwork to achieve constitutionalism in china is the united kingdom and unified power , the “ free - rider “ problem of the induced changes , and the “ paradox system “ problem of the endogenous mode 中國實現憲政最根本和最直接的阻礙是大一統的權力,誘致性變遷存在的“搭便車”問題,內生型模式存在“制度悖論”的難題。

To precisely estimate the target parameters and identify the right target will guarantee the effective operation of underwater counterwork and anti - counterwork , so as to keep an active position for a country in new situation of ocean strategy 準確地進行目標參量估計及目標識別,可以保證水下對抗和反對抗地有效實施,從而確保新形勢下海洋戰略中的主動地位。

With the development of the modern electronic counterwork techniques , the estimate of the carrier frequency , signal period , and even the pseudo - random ( pn ) sequence itself of direct sequence spread spectrum ( dsss ) is possible 隨著現代電子對抗技術的發展使得估計直接序列擴頻通信的載波頻率、符號周期甚至擴頻碼本身變為可能。

The research , exploitation and application of the 3 - channel visual simulation system of ' the underwater acoustic counterwork ( tcvs ) is one of the most important tasks for the development and construction of navy equipments at present 水聲對抗三通道視景仿真系統的研究、開發及應用是目前海軍裝備發展和建設中的一項重要任務。

The achievement of the dissertation has been applied in no . 750 institutes for the project “ sub - water weapon counterwork simulation test system “ , and it is also meaningful in other related fields 該項研究成果已在七五零試驗場的水下武器對抗仿真測試系統中得到應用,對于水下武器等國防武器裝備的研制具有應用價值。

Low noise amplifier is widely used in front - end of a transceiver in mobile communication , electronic counterwork and other fields , whose performance makes significant effect on the wireless transceiver 低噪聲放大器( lna )廣泛應用于通訊、電子對抗等系統的接收裝置的前端,其性能的好壞對整個接收裝置有重要的影響。

The project is the first simulation plat based on personal computer to study pd radar system and its jamming and anti - jamming capability evaluation in electron counterwork field of our country 整個項目是我國電子對抗領域首次完整地為研究pd雷達系統及其干擾和抗干擾性能評估所建立的基于pc機的仿真研究平臺。

Due to the strategy problem of multi soccer robots real time counterwork , a kind of control structure based on coarse granularity behaviors and vertical decomposition is presented 摘要提出了基于粗粒度空間和垂直分解結構的控制體系結構,用于解決實時多足球機器人的對抗問題。

Multi - target localization is the urgent requirement of exploration system in underwater weapon , which is the basis of anti - counterwork , target recognization , and accurate attack 多目標定位是水下武器探測系統迫切需要具備的能力,它是反對抗、目標識別、精確打擊的基礎。

Electronic counterwork is an important task of mt systems . the adaptability to sophisticated environment of communication devices , is the survival standard of mts 電子對抗是軍事通信的重要課題,通信設備對復雜工作環境的適應和抗干擾能力,是軍事通信系統的生存的標準。

The method of counterwork effectiveness of the uace has an important reference value for researching the uace and the underwater acoustic countermeasure system 該效果評估方法對水聲對抗器材及水聲對抗系統的研究有著重要的參考價值。