
counterweight n.平衡重量;砝碼;抗衡。vt.=counterweig...


The method of indirectly measuring force exerted on ground by bucket is used to check cantilever bucket - wheel stacker / reclaimer counter - weight , working out the hydraulic cylinder force to determine the force exerted on ground by bucket and thus counterweight value 摘要針對懸臂斗輪堆取料機配重的校核提出了1種間接測定接地力的方法,即通過懸臂升降液壓缸上下油腔壓力計算出液壓缸受力,進一步推算出堆取料機的接地力,從而確定配重安裝量。

In accordance with principles of constant barycenter and principle of phase difference in theory of vibration , flexible counterweight is added to let the greater part of first ordered inertia force and a part of second inertia force of the slider to obtain equilibrium 根據質心不變原理及振動理論中的相位差原理,附加柔性配重使滑塊的一階慣性力的絕大部分及二階慣性力的一部分得到平衡。

The unusually large interest rate differentials between the us dollar and the two other major currencies the euro and yen have been acting as a counterweight , supporting the us dollar in the foreign exchange market 這種形勢構成一股很大的力量,影響市場氣氛。美元與其他兩種主要貨幣歐元及日圓之間罕見的大幅息差在外匯市場發揮了平衡的作用,為美元提供支持。

As such , it aims to provide some counterweight to the sometimes overly enthusiastic belief among policy - makers that polycentricity or polycentric spatial development offers a solution to a wide array of urban and regional problems 本文通過介紹荷蘭規劃人員在應付蘭斯塔德地區出現的一些與多中心形態相關的問題時采取的一些做法,試圖提出另一種觀點。

So it has been assessed the nation - class major new product and got the prize of construction ministry science and technology progree of china , also has been approved of the national patent . this type hoist has no counterweight 該系列傾斜式施工升降機屬國內首創,達到國際先進水平,被評為國際級重點新產品,并獲得建設部科技進步獎和國家專利。

The case for using scholarly islam as a counterweight to the radical , hot - headed sort is familiar in the middle east , but this time it won an unusually clear endorsement from a western leader , tony blair 利用學術性伊斯蘭教來平衡激進而魯莽的伊斯蘭教在中東地區非常普遍,但這次,這一觀點贏得了一名西方領導人托尼?布萊爾不同尋常的明確認可。

The social support for modesty was a counterweight , balancing out this desire to please and enabling young women to test men ' s character , in order to choose a suitable partner 而對端莊的社會支持能夠起到一種平衡作用,它會抵消這種取悅于人的愿望,使得年輕婦女能夠考察男人的品質,以便挑選一個合適的伙伴。

All adjustments ( burner height , burner arm length from the pivot point , counterweight positions along the burner arm ) are facilitated by the use of knobs or thumbscrews as the set screws 所有調節(燃燒器高度、自樞軸點開始的燃燒器臂長、沿著燃燒器臂的平衡塊位置)都利用旋鈕或指旋螺釘作為調節螺釘實施。

Type : used only for single cage hoists , with or without counterweight , especially when erected without vertical pipe supports . it can also be used together with vertical pipes -型:僅供單吊籠有對重或無對重的升降機使用,特別適用于無豎管支撐安裝,但也可與豎管同時使用。

There is one or two driving interface modules installed separately in horizontal direction , and there are three driving interface modules with attached counterweight in vertical direction 水平方向分別有二個驅動接口模塊和一個驅動接口模塊,垂直方向有三個驅動接口模塊。

This type of hoist is operated with counterweight , has double cage , each with 2 . 8 ton or 2 . 7ton capacity . the inverter is selected from high quality products of japan yaskawa electrical corporation 該型號施工升降機配有對重,無司機室,雙籠,每籠載重為2 . 8噸或者2 . 7噸。

A mechanical model was established and the dynamic simulation was done based on the model , by which the optimal locations and masses of counterweights were calculated 通過建立力學模型,進行了動力學仿真研究,確定合理的配重品質和位置。

By attaching accelerometers and strain gages at the critical locations , the benefit of adding a counterweight was experimentally studied 運用在危險位置粘貼應變片和加速度計的試驗方法,測定了危險位置在各種配重情況下的減振效果。

To weigh the coin , it would be put on one side of scale , and counterweights of a known weight would be put on the other side until the scales balanced 稱量硬幣時將硬幣放在秤的一端,另一端則放已知重量的砝碼,直至兩端平衡。

The estate tax offers a modest counterweight against the development of a new plutocracy to rival the industrial barons of america ' s gilded age 不動產稅提供了從新富豪勢力發展到美國鍍金時代工業大亨競爭之間一種適度的平衡。

But in russia there was much enthusiastic talk in the pro - government media about sco ' s emergence as a counterweight to nato 但是在俄羅斯親政府的媒體上有許多關于“上合組織”正成為北約( nato )的平衡力量的熱情洋溢的討論。

My hunch is that pr is merely a counterweight to the media ' s strong , commercially driven appetite for bad news 我的感覺是,公關只是一個平衡塊,平衡媒體由商業利益驅動的對負面新聞的貪欲。

B . according to various counterweight and characteristic for vehicles , two sections of high - rigidlty spring is applied 車種專用兩段式高剛性彈簧,依照各車種配重及特性,配置專用彈簧。

This type of hoist is operated with counterweight , has double cage , each with 3 ton or 3 . 2 ton capacity 該型號施工升降機配有對重,無司機室,雙籠,每籠載重為3噸或者3 . 2噸。