
countervail vt.,vi.1.對抗,抵敵;與…勢均力敵。2.補償;抵...


“ coordinating anti - dumping investigations with moftec ; enforcing anti - dumping measures such as collecting cash deposits and dumping duties , enforcing countervailing measures by collecting countervailing duties , and monitoring implementation . 負責與外經貿部協調反傾銷調查;實施征收現金保證金、反傾銷稅等反傾銷措施,通過征收反補貼稅實施反補貼措施,并監督執行。

5 . no product of the territory of any contracting party imported into the territory of any other contracting party shall be subject to both anti - dumping and countervailing duties to compensate for the same situation of dumping or export subsidization 5一締約國領土的產品輸入到另一締約國領土,不得因抵消傾銷或出口貼補,而同時對它既征收反傾銷稅又征收反貼補稅。

With the economy globalization process being quickened , mobilization and improvement of anti - dumping , countervailing and safeguard measures are becoming hot spots of international economy and trade highlighted by all countries in the world 隨著經濟全球化進程的加快,反傾銷、反補貼、保障措施法律制度的運用與完善日益成為國際經貿領域內世界各國關注的熱點。

The problem of countervailing measures is completely new in china . up until now , china has not yet practiced such measures on subsidized imports , nor has any country imposed countervailing duties on china ' s goods 反補貼問題在中國還是一個全新的問題,到目前為止,中國尚未對外國進口產品采取過反補貼措施,而中國的出口產品也并未被外國采取過反補貼調查。

The term countervailing duty shall be understood to mean a special duty levied for the purpose of offsetting any bounty or subsidy bestowed , directly , or indirectly , upon the manufacture , production or export of any merchandise “反貼補稅”一詞應理解為:為了抵消商品于制造生產或輸出時所直接或間接接受的任何獎金或貼補而征收的一種特別關稅。

The new duties against chinese glossy paper are by contrast countervailing anti - subsidy tariffs , intended to offset the alleged advantage that manufacturers enjoy as a result of the support they get from the chinese government 而美國針對中國銅版紙的新稅屬于抵償性反補貼稅,其目的是抵消造紙商因從中國政府獲得支持而享有的所謂優勢。

The reasonableness of countervailing measures lies in the unfairness of certain subsidies and the imposition of countervailing duties is to correct such unfairness , but such correction should not exceed proper limits 反補貼的合理性根源在于某些補貼的“不公平性” ,征收反補貼稅是對這種不公平做法的“矯正” ,但“矯枉不得過正” 。

Since its inclusion in the gatt , countervailing measure has been developed into a significant non - tariff trade measure used by many countries to prevent or stop subsidies and to protect domestic industry 自1948年被納入gatt多邊貿易體制以來,反補貼措施已經成為當今各國防止或制止補貼性為、保護國內產業的重要的非關稅措施。

The import country uses anti - dump , countervailing and other protecting measures to restrict exports of chinese products , which brings serious effects to chinese export enterprises 進口國具備了同時使用“反傾銷”與“反補貼”兩種手段和其他的保障措施,來限制中國的產品出口的條件,給中國的出口企業帶來了嚴重的影響。

The third is the status quo of the industry safeties guarantees ; we discuss it from the tariff construction , non - tariff barriers , anti - dumping , and countervailing and safeguards mechanism 第三是中國產業安全保障現狀,從關稅結構、非關稅壁壘、反傾銷、反補貼和保障措施機制等方面分析了我國的產業安全保障現狀。

As safeguard measures apply to fair trade practice , their preconditions of application are more restrictive than that of anti - dumping measures and countervailing measures which apply to unfair trade practice 由于保障措施是針對公平貿易采取的措施,其實施條件應當比針對不公正貿易的反傾銷、反補貼措施更加嚴格。

The improved experiment device of interference of sound wave can feel the interference countervail and strengthening of sound in ordinary lab , and measure the sound velocity 摘要本文給出了改進聲波干涉實驗裝置的具體方案,該改進裝置可在普通實驗室內感受聲音的干涉相消和干涉加強現象,并能測定聲速和頻率。

The us department of commerce ( doc ) began a countervailing probe into china - made coated paper on november 20 , alleging that the chinese government had unfairly subsidized certain products 11月20號,美國商務部開始針對中國制造的涂料紙展開反補貼調查,聲稱中國政府對某些出口品進行了不合理的補助

The general agreement on tariffs and trade gatt 1947 the original agreement dealing with trade in goods , now incorporated into gatt 1994 article vi : anti - dumping and countervailing duties 以下先推出本站關于原1947年關稅與貿易總協定后并入1994年關稅與貿易總協定第六條的翻譯文本。

Before we study subsidy and countervailing duty law , we have to know what is “ subsidy “ , what is the nature of it . how can subsidy affect the international trade 接著本文討論了補貼行為的主體,關于這個問題沒有多大的爭議,政府或隸屬于政府的機構應當是補貼行為的實施主體。

Countervailing has been a problem needing careful research when applying wto agreements and other relevant rules of our country ' s legal system and working out industrial policies 反補貼已經成為將wto協議及相關規則融入我國法律體系和制定產業政策時必須加以認真研究的一個問題。

The agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures ( ascm ) adopted at the uruguay round established a perfect legal system to regulate subsidies and countervailing measures 烏拉圭回合談判達成的《補貼與反補貼措施協議》為wto確立了完善的補貼與反補貼法律約束機制。

The us invariably imposes anti - dumping duties on chinese companies exporting subsidized products . so if countervailing duties are also imposed , it means double taxation 美國政府一貫對中國出口補貼產品( ? )的企業征收反傾銷稅,因此,加收反補貼稅即意味著雙重課稅

No cedant may countervail the expenses or incomes formed by the relevant original insurance contracts with the incomes or expenses formed by the reinsurance contracts 再保險分出人不應當將再保險合同形成的收入或費用與有關原保險合同形成的費用或收入相互抵銷。