
counterstroke n.反擊;還擊,回擊;【醫學】反擊損傷。


Introduction : battleship reappearance of world war ii naval brilliant counterstroke , in the face of hostile aircraft carrier and battleship , through their own battle to make it dominant position 戰列艦再現,二戰海戰精彩對決,面對敵對的戰列艦和航母,通過自己的戰斗來取得霸主的位置吧。

Battleship reappearance of world war ii naval brilliant counterstroke , in the face of hostile aircraft carrier and battleship , through their own battle to make it dominant position 戰列艦再現,二戰海戰精彩對決,面對敵對的戰列艦和航母,通過自己的戰斗來取得霸主的位置吧。