
countersignature n.副署,連署。


If evidence of identity is not available , a completed form for countersignature id641 together with a photocopy of the countersignatory s hong kong identity card or valid travel document bearing the countersignatory s signature 如無法提供身份證明,則應遞交已填妥的副署事項表格( id 641 ) ,以及副署人的香港身份證或載有副署人簽名的有效旅行證件的影印本。

Note : if you submit the child s application by post or via drop - in box , please do not enclose originals of the supporting documents except for item , and form for countersignature id 641 注意:如以郵遞或投遞方式申請,請勿遞交上述證件正本(除(七) 、 (八)及副署事項表格( id 641 )外) ,你只須遞交上述證件除(四) 、 (五)外影印本。

For general - purpose checking of the integrity and authenticity of cms pkcs 7 message signer information and countersignatures , use the 要對cms / pkcs # 7消息簽名者信息和副署的完整性和可靠性進行通用檢查,請使用

Method prompts the user to select a signing certificate , creates a countersignature , and adds the signature to the cms pkcs 7 message 方法提示用戶選擇簽名證書、創建副署并向cms / pkcs # 7消息添加簽名。

That is , a signature can be signed , which forms a countersignature , but that countersignature cannot be signed again 也就是說,可以對簽名進行簽名,形成一個副署,但不能再對該副署進行簽名。

Method creates a countersignature by using the specified signer and adds the signature to the cms pkcs 7 message 方法通過使用指定的簽名者創建副署并將簽名添加到cms / pkcs # 7消息。

Form for countersignature in connection with an application for a hksar travel document id 641 副署事項表格(供申請香港特別行政區旅行證件使用) [ id641 ]

Form for countersignature in connection with an application for a hksar travel document 副署事項表格(供申請香港特別行政區旅游證件使用)

Form for countersignature in connection with an application for a hksar travel document 副署事項表格(供申請香港特別行政區旅行證件使用)

Form for countersignature 副署事項表格

We return one copy of the contract with our countersignature for your file 我們退回一份我們已會簽的合同供你方存檔。

Creates a countersignature and adds the signature to the cms pkcs 7 message 創建副署并將簽名添加到cms / pkcs # 7消息。

Countersignatures are restricted to one level 副署限制為一層。

Method removes the countersignature for the specified 方法移除指定

Removes the specified countersignature from the 集合中移除指定的副署。

Please return the duplicate ( n . ) with you countersignature 請會簽后退回一份。