
countersign n.1.【軍事】(對哨兵盤問時)回答口令;呼應暗號;【航...


The duties of the president shall be to preside at meetings of the members , of the board of directors , and any meeting in which the board participates , to countersign all cheques , notes , drafts , and other orders for the disbursement of funds of the credit union , and shall perform such other duties as customarily appertain to the office of president or as he may be directed to perform by resolution of the board of directors , not inconsistent with the ordinance and these bylaws 社長:社長為社員大會主席,董事會議主席及董事會參予之會議之主席。凡本社支票、票據、支款單據均須由社長副署。社長須負責推行與其職位有關之其他未列任務及實施符合法例與章程之董事決議。

When first purchased , travelers cheques must be signed chinese and english are both acceptable in the upper left - hand corner in order to be reimbursable if lost or stolen . remember also to store the purchase record and the cheques separately . when you are ready to cash the cheque , the acceptor must watch you countersign the cheque in the lower left - hand corner 使用美國運通旅行支票十分容易,只要在購買旅行支票的同時,于支票左上角簽名中英文皆可,并且確定把購買合約書與旅行支票分開存放,您即已獲得保障當您準備使用支票時,只要在收款人面前于支票的左下角復簽即可。

We hereby apply to you for countersigning a guarantee for delivery of goods without bill of lading ( “ shipping guarantee ” ) in favor of the shipping company / agent of vessel to enable us to take delivery of the commodities without production of the bill of lading 茲因貴行于上述有關正提貨單/空運提單背書、擔保提貨保證書,本公司同意負責免除貴行因此可能發生之一切損害、損失或費用(包括律師費等) ,并同意一經要求給付貴行因該背書保證行為所發生之一切賠償、損害、損失、費用與各種負擔。

To get even the smallest item from the sores at work , you have to fill in a form , get it countersigned by your immediate superior , and then submit the request to the storekeeper between ten and eleven in the morning or three and four in the afternoon ? what a way to run a railway 甚至要從工作的倉庫里領一件最小的東西,你都必須先填表,然后讓你的頂頭上司簽字,再在早晨10點到11點或下午3點到4點之間向倉庫保管員提交申請這是個多么繁瑣的辦事過程!

Make sure the acceptor watches while you countersign the cheque in the lower left - hand corner . the signature must be same as the one in upper left - hand corner . you can also exchange your travelers cheques for local currency free of charge at over 65 , 000 locations around the world A .只要將支票拿給您想要兌現的銀行或商號,確定支票收款人看著您在您的支票左下角簽名,您也可以免費的在全球超過65 , 000個兌換點,將您的支票兌換成當地貨幣。

Certificate of origin issued by the producer or the exporter in 1 original + 1 copy certifying that the goods are of chinese origin the original of which to be countersigned by the chamber of commerce or federal industries and legalized by the a . r . e representative in china 生產商或者出口方出具的原產地證明1正1副,證明原產中國,正本原產地證明由中國商會或工業聯合會共同簽署,并由阿拉伯使館代表認證

A . when first purchased , travelers cheques must be signed in the upper left - hand corner in order to be reimbursable if lost or stolen . when the cheques are cashed , make sure the acceptor watches while you countersign the cheque in the lower left - hand corner A .購買時,旅行支票必須在左上角簽名,為的是當遺失或被竊時可獲得補償當支票兌現時,請確定收款人看著您在支票左下角簽名。

Remainder of services for which daily rates apply shall be paid based on mutually countersigned monthly time / work reports and invoiced accordingly with due date 10 days after receipt of invoice 其他部分根據雙方簽字的工作時間單按實際工作(服務)天數每月結算。在收到帳單后的10天內應付清款項并相應地開具發票。

Remainder of services for which daily rates apply shall be paid based on mutually countersigned monthly time / work reports and invoiced accordingly with due date 10 days after receipt of invoice 其余按日計算的服務費用應根據雙方簽署的月工作時間報表結算,并在收到相應的付費清單10天內開具發票。

This paper analyzed the traditional flow procedure of process planning by taking of manufacturability countersign of cad design files and of examining and approving of process planning design as example 本文以傳統的設計文件的工藝性會簽和工藝設計審批等工藝流程為例詳細地分析各自的流轉程序。

A robber doesn t quite like to leave traces of his flight behind him ; and , besides , he is not obliged to have his passport countersigned 小偷走道兒是不愛在路上留下腳印的。再說,旅客在護照上簽證,現在已經不是必要的手續了。 ”

These minutes will be confirmed and countersigned by om and eca , and the next step of work shall be carried out based on these minutes 這個紀要做出后會請om 、 eca確認并會簽,并按這個紀要的要求把下一階段的工作做好。

Enclosed you can find our signed sales confirmation no . 01568 in duplicate , both of which please countersign and send back one copy for our file 隨函附寄我方簽字的第01568號銷售合同一式兩份,請會簽后寄回一份我方存檔

The receipt of the samples identified in its vernacular , english and / or scientific names , shall be countersigned by the owner / possessor thereof 確認樣本本國、英語和/或學名的收據應當由其船主/所有人進行會簽。

Give the countersign . “ two hoarse whispers delivered the same awful word simultaneously to the brooding night : “ blood ! 兩個沙啞的聲音,在一片岑寂中,幾乎同時,低低地喊出一個可怖的字: “血! ”

Your countersign on the cheque does not seem to match the signature on the upper left corner . would you please sign again on the back 你的簽名和左上角的看來有點不同,請你在背面再簽一次好嗎?

We are enclosing herewith the captioned contract in two originals , of which please return one copy to us duly countersigned 今寄上標題合同正本一式兩份,請會簽后寄回一份,以便存檔。

The time draft is to be countersigned by the bank of china , beijing , certifying that your signature is true and valid 匯票要由北京中國銀行附簽,以證明你方簽字是真的和有效的。

A credit should not require presentation of documents that are to be issued and / or countersigned by the applicant 信用證規定不應規定提交由開證申請人出具及/或副簽的單據。