
counterrevolution n.反革命。n.-ary ,adj.反革命分子(的)。n...


Included in china ' s criminal law are crimes of counterrevolution , which refer to crimes that endanger state security and aim at overthrowing the political power of the country , namely , acts with the subjective goal of overthrowing the political power of the country and acts that objectively endanger state security 中國的刑法中有反革命罪,是指危害國家安全、圖謀顛覆國家政權罪,即其主觀上具有推翻國家政權的目的,客觀上有危害國家安全的行為。

The number of individuals serving sentences for the now - repealed crime of counterrevolution was estimated at 500 to 600 ; many of these persons were imprisoned for the nonviolent expression of their political views 因已廢止的反革命罪服刑的人數估計有500至600人;其中許多人遭到監禁的原因是以非暴力方式表達其政治觀點。

Prachanda : our party seriously analyzes the lessons of history , particularly from the great revolutions and counterrevolutions of the 20th century 普:我們黨在很認真地吸取歷史的教訓,特別是發生在20世紀的那些偉大的革/命及反革/命。

What were the processes and techniques of this counterrevolution against privilege ? 這場反特權的革命的步驟和方法如何呢?