
counterproductive adj.起反作用的。


The angle of your movement relative to the ball ' s flight line helps you reach the ball on time , step 2 , structure the body for a strong hit , step 3 , and helps you develop power in a simple manner and not in one you ' re used to that is counterproductive to success , step 4 你相對球的飛行路線的移動角度可以幫助你及時碰到球,第2步,使身體形成更強力的擊球,第3步,幫助你以簡單的方式獲得力量,而不是你習慣的低效的方式,第4步

Although these attitudes are counterproductive in knowledge intense organizations , many managers have come from educational environments where they focused intently on developing their own skills and were not rewarded for developing the skills of others 雖然這些態度在知識敏感的組織中對生產是不利的,許多管理者都從以前的環境中得到教訓? ?他們緊密關注自己的技能,沒有從提高其他人的技能方面得到回報。

Our public opinion environment , and our own behavior is closely related to our own demeanor of the final will eventually affect the entire media environment , the environment will be counterproductive to us 我們的輿論環境和我們自己的行為息息相關,我們自己的種種言行舉止到最后終將影響到整個輿論環境,這個環境又會反作用于我們。

“ invading iraq was an unnecessary war . it distracted us from what we were trying to accomplish in afghanistan , and it has been counterproductive in winning the war on terror . “入侵伊拉克是一場不必要的戰爭,它分散了我們正試圖在阿富汗完成使命的注意力,并在贏得反恐戰爭中起到了相反的作用。 ”

“ invading iraq was an unnecessary war . it distracted us from what we were trying to accomplish in afghanistan , and it has been counterproductive in winning the war on terror . “入侵伊拉克實是一場完全不必要的戰爭。它打亂了我們本打算在阿富汗達成的計劃,并且已經同反恐戰爭的原意背道而馳。

Unfortunately , when electronics appeared , all the skills , assets , systems and values of the swiss were counterproductive and the industry had to be totally restructured 不幸的是,當電子技術出現時,瑞士的所有技能、資產、系統和價值觀產生相反的結果,所以,這個行業不得不完全重塑。

From the perspective of international business ethics , we must prove that such attitudes are counterproductive and exist not only in china , but also in every country 從國際經濟倫理的角度,我們必須證明不僅在中國這種思想對于經濟發展不利,在其他任何國家也是如此。

In the worst case , the failure to evaluate workforce practices ensures the failure to detect occasions when their impact is counterproductive to their intended effect 在最壞的情況下,評估生產力實踐的失敗注定了檢測生產力實踐影響既定成效達到的時機的失敗。

Turning sideways forces you to counter - turn your head even more to see the ball clearly . ouch . another situation where turning sideways is counterproductive to performance 側轉使得你需要更大角度的反向轉動你的頭,以便清楚的頂球.哦,另一個側轉是反效的例子

Very often is counterproductive , he never will be those belonging to their attraction , he could run the pace and the pursuit of the pace never stopped 很多時候總是事與愿違,他永遠也不會得到屬于自己的那道風景,他奔跑的腳步和追求的步伐永遠不會停止。

The researchers told new scientist magazine : “ traditionally , time devoted to daytime napping has been considered [ color = # 808000 ] [ b ] counterproductive [ / b ] [ / color ] . 研究人員在接受《新科學家》雜志采訪時說: “人們一直認為白天小睡起不到什么積極作用。

An emphasis on purity in contrast is exclusionary and selective , and in the long run is counterproductive to insuring the survival of the magic allele 與此對立的對于純血統的強調是排他并且有選擇的,長遠地說是與保證魔法基因等位體的生存格格不入的。

The u . s . could also impose price controls if it wanted to do so , but these would be counterproductive because they would discourage discovery of new drugs 但是如果需要的話,美國也能強加物價管制,可這些將會起到反作用,因為其將阻止新藥的發現。

If you are loading a small amount of data compared to the amount of data already in the table , dropping the indexes is counterproductive 但是,如果要加載的數據與表中已存在的數據相比數量較小,則刪除索引將不會提高性能。

The researchers told new scientist magazine : “ traditionally , time devoted to daytime napping has been considered counterproductive . 研究人員在接受《新科學家》雜志采訪時說: “人們一直認為白天小睡起不到什么積極作用。

The researchers told new scientist magazine : “ traditionally , time devoted to daytime napping has been considered counterproductive . 研究人員在接受新科學家雜志采訪時說: “人們一直認為白天小睡起不到什么積極作用。

Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government . office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive 黨羽的政治陰謀經常是良好政府的妨礙。公務上的政治爭斗經常是帶削弱性質和招致反效果的

One does not want to kill this goose that is laying golden eggs by ill - thought out and counterproductive “ reforms ” 沒有人想要通過沒有深謀熟慮、毫無建設性的“改革”去扼殺這只“會下金蛋的雞” 。

Additional information beyond this can be counterproductive , as it dilutes the core purpose of the cover letter 超過這個范圍的附加信息只能讓人產生反感,而且它削弱了首頁的核心目的。