
counterpoint n.1.【音樂】對位法,對位音;旋律配合法;重復旋律法。...


The main results in this paper as follows : first , a prototype of a shape - based image database retrieval system is completed , it can receive the query mode both by giving an example image and by sketching the desired object on the screen , second , five shape - based image retrieval methods are realized ; third , an algorithm based on triangulation for shape - based image retrieval is brought forward . in this algorithm , firstly , the edge of the original image is followed and the candidate corners in the original image are detected . then the counterpoints of the candidate corners in the result of edge follow are found , and the boundary corners whose counterpoints have been found are queued in the order of their counterpoints in edge follow 同時本文中主要完成了以下三方面的工作:完成了一個基于形狀特征的圖象檢索的原型系統,可實現例子圖象或徒手繪草圖兩種查詢方式;實現了五種利用形狀特征進行圖象檢索的具體方法,并對其進行了分析比較;并且在繼承將三角剖分引入形狀檢索的思想基礎上提出了利用三角剖分進行形狀檢索的一種新算法:先對原圖象進行邊界跟蹤和角點檢測;然后尋找初始角點在邊界跟蹤中的對應點,并對找到對應點的角點按其對應點在邊界跟蹤中的順序進行排序;再對排序后的角點進行德洛內三角剖分,得到能表示目標真實形狀的三角形序列;最后計算三角形序列的角度直方圖作為形狀特征,并進行相似性匹配。

Unlike parish churches , which exist to minister to the people of the local area in which they stand , they are a route to god for the larger community - a place of celebration and mourning where feelings can be shared and the sheer scale and beauty of the architecture , services and music allows visitors to experience the serenity and spirituality that are an essential counterpoint to the bustle of everyday life 不像行政區的教堂那樣,里面有代表當地的管理人民的大臣,大教堂為更大的群體指引通往天堂的道路? ?在那里有歡呼也有哀悼,所有的感受都可以分享,龐大的規模,美麗的建筑,以及優美的音樂讓拜訪者體驗著與塵囂相對的本質安寧與神圣。

The whole essay was divided into five parts : the introduction introduces the background and the range of topic ; chapter 1 discusses the necessity of aesthetic and personality education for the chinese learning ; chapter 2 illustrates that the classical chinese teaching is an important way to carry out aesthetic and personality education ; chapter 3 is the heart of the whole essay . after the counterpoint analysis of the present situation of the classic chinese , some constructive suggestion for new teaching model was offered 全文分五個部分:引言指出本課題的背景及研究范圍;第一章論述審美、人格教育對于語文學科的必要性;第二章從文言文本身所傳遞的審美、人格教育內容及傳統文言文教材對于古代、近現代人才所起的作用,說明文言文教學是實施審美、人格教育的重要途徑;第三章是全文的重點,對文言文教學現狀作針對性地分析,并試圖建構新型文言文教學模式,以利于當前語文教學改革。

The stereo - matching is to solve the problem of counterpoints in a pair of images . it is a key technology , because disparity can be obtained according to the principle of stereoscopic imaging if counterpoints of the pair of images are settled . on the basis of this , the in - depth information of a scene can be found out 立體匹配技術主要解決圖像的對應點問題,這是一項關鍵技術,因為找到了圖像對的對應點后即可由立體成像原理求取該對應點的視差,進而求出景物的深度信息。

Still , a grudging respect may linger for costa rica , a country that once issued a trademark for the word “ ecotourism . ” if pressed , the legions of american litigators , mired in the point - counterpoint of legal briefs , might reluctantly acknowledge a secret admiration for the slash - and - upturn methods employed by hreniuk and the costa rican authorities in enforcing intellectual - property rights 如果真的要說,那些在法庭上辛苦陳述、努力攻防的美國律師,恐怕還是要對賀紐克跟哥斯大黎加官方用打、砸、燒的方式實施其智慧財產權,偷偷表示一點敬意。

Many critics of eamily bronte ' s novel wuthering heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on , if it does not reverse , the first part , where a “ romantic ” reading receives more confirmation 許多艾米麗?勃朗特的小說《呼嘯山莊》的評論家,把小說的第二部分看作一種對比(對照物) ,它對第一部分做出了評論,即使沒有把第一部分逆轉,在小說第一部分中,一種“浪漫的”的閱讀能獲得更多的認可。

Many critics of eamily bronte ' s novel wuthering heights see its second part as a counterpoint that comments on , if it does not reverse , the first part , where a “ romantic “ reading receives more confirmation 許多艾米麗?勃朗特的小說《呼嘯山莊》的評論家,把小說的第二部分看作一種對比對照物,它對第一部分作出評論,即使沒有把第一部分逆轉,在小說第一部分中,一種“浪漫的”的閱讀能獲得更多的確認。

Mr . weerasethakuls unrushed rhythms and the tenderness with which he takes us through a scene work a nice counterpoint to his bold narrative ambitionsthis is one of the most fascinating young filmmakers working today . manohla dargis , the new york times 韋華斯花古從容不迫的節奏以及處理每場戲所流露的細膩情感,恰好與他大膽創新的敘事手法成為巧妙的對比他是當代其中一個最叫人著迷的年青電影制作人。

From china ' s viewpoint , the new deals were a nice counterpoint to the coup mr putin pulled off in may , when he unveiled plans to build a pipeline along the caspian coast that would bring gas from turkmenistan to europe via russia 在中國看來,新的協議是對普京5月贏得突然成功的一次漂亮反擊,當時普京公布計劃要沿里海海岸建造一條石油管道,經過俄羅斯將土庫曼斯坦的天然氣輸送到歐洲。

The hospital is answered to take out the injection overcoming a family name that fixed art uses after two half moon , classics x radiograph shows : fracture carries counterpoint good to the line , show an articulatory clearance is normal , scab having character grows 兩個半月后回醫院取出固定術用的克氏針,經x光照片顯示:骨折端對位對線良好,指間關節間隙正常,有骨痂生長。

It used to be that a musician who wanted to compose schooled himself in the disciplines of counterpoint and harmony , leaned his craft , and went about the uncertain business of producing art . history tells us few succeeded 本來是,想要作曲的音樂家,自己就去學習對位法,合聲法這些學科,學成個人技巧,然后進入創造音樂這不保險的行業.歷史告訴我們,只有很少數成功

The trio s puzzlement over a “ glowing ball “ is genuinely affable in its navety , and their misadventure to reach beijing is but one of the many hilarious counterpoints to the inevitability of commerce and globalisation .遠離文明,寓言故事的說服力可驚人。幕后亦有個精彩故事,戲拍到一半沒錢,唯有找帶孩子的老師充助導,司機任制片,電影毅力令人心折。

The lisbon summit will thus be an explicit counterpoint to the china - africa summit of november 2006 , when china cemented its new relationship with a promise of yet more money 里斯本峰會這樣就成了2006年11月舉行的中國-非洲峰會的一個明顯的對立面,在當時2006年的峰會上,中國承諾會給非洲提供更多的資金援助,這樣中國與非洲的關系也更固實了。

The next track , entitled “ love isn ' t a crime ” , is a gorgeous duet , with lovely vocal counterpoint provided by underrated songstress chen fei ping 下一首歌名叫“愛本無罪” ,是一支精致的對唱曲目,由一位歌聲純美卻不很有名的實力歌手陳妃平提供女聲部合音。

And with ti lung on board , kung - fu action is added to the mix , providing dramatic counterpoints to li s erotic impulses 小丫鬟潘金蓮汪萍被強奸不遂,給賣予貌丑兼不解溫柔的武大郎。

Many critics of eamily bronte ' s novel wuthering heights see its second part as a counterpoint 許多艾米麗?勃朗特的小說《呼嘯山莊》的評論家把小說的第二部分看作一種對比(對照物) 。

It is unrealistic to presuppose a sophisticated knowledge of harmony and counterpoint in a beginning music student 要求一個初學的人具有和聲學和對位法方面的知識是不現實的。

Yeats has achieved suggestive patterns of meaning by a careful counterpointing of contrasting ideas or images 葉芝還實現了意義的深邃暗含,因為他將反差極大的意象對應起來。

Therefore , they are a pair of counterpoints . however , the subsidy is a precondition of its 但是,補貼是反補貼的前提補貼,但是補貼行為并不必然引起反補貼措施。