
counterplot n.對抗策略。vt.,vi.用對抗策略對付。


China revised the law of criminal procedure in 1996 , which processed a little big reformation to the original criminal procedure system by absorbing and borrowing some effective procedures of the law system of the great britain and the usa . on the aspect of criminal justice , the justice method is from the original way of interrogation that is dominated by judge , to the present counterplot system that is dominated by both accusing party and accused party on lawcourt . this kind of inquire method on the lawcourt shall be more beneficial to protect the right of accused party and has the promoting function to realize the fair of justice 我國1996年修訂的《刑事訴訟法》 ,對原來的刑事訴訟制度進行了較大的改革,在某些方面借鑒和吸收了英美法系國家有益的做法,表現在刑事審判方式上,就是從以前由法官主導的審問制向由控辯雙方主導的對抗制進行轉變,對抗制的庭審方式應該更加有利于保障被告人的訴訟權利,對實現司法公正起到促進作用。

The familiar disease of agaricus bisporus mainly have : understand and control agaricus bisporus category of the familiar diseases and insect pests occurrence and endanger the characteristic , and adopt the homologous counterplot , is agaricus bisporus acquires the superior quality high produce of assurance 摘要了解和掌握雙孢蘑菇常見病蟲害發生的種類、危害特征,并采取相應的對策,是雙孢蘑菇獲得優質高產的保證。

Based on the second part of work , it sleeked the reason of these problems by analyzing the factors of society , school and family . the forth part : the counterplots we should take to solve the existed problems in the school 在調查研究烏市石運子校初中學生的德育現狀的基礎上,從社會因素、學校因素,家庭因素等層面進行了分析,尋找造成烏市石運子校初中學生德育工作現存問題的原因。

Abstract : this article analyses the psychological deviation easily existedin physical teachers ' teaching . it offers the counterplots to solve the deviation as well 文摘:針對體育教師在教學中容易存在的心理偏差進行分析,并提出解決的對策。

In this paper , counterplots related to geologic investigations are proposed on the basis of reviwing of the achievements acquired 實施地質大調查以來,西北地質調查工作全方位取得了新的進展,并展示了愈來愈廣闊的應用天地。

This text completely expounded the characters of the student ' s and brought up comparative science reasonable counterplots 本文全面闡述了哈密師范數學學困生的特征,提出了較為科學合理的轉化對策。

Analysis on charging in actuality and counterplots of higher education in china 我國高等教育收費現狀與對策研究

The problems and counterplot existing in the tourist merchandise market 旅游商品市場存在的問題及發展對策