
counterpart n.1.【法律】(正副兩份中的)一份,(尤指)副本;極相...


His us counterparts do not even try 而他的美國同行卻干脆放棄了努力。

Can line up exactly to their larger clone counterparts 能夠準確的與他們的大克隆體相對應

There is a counterpart to the commit directives , called 有一個對應于提交指令的指令,名為

Like its language - indicating counterpart , 類似,如果在驗證環境中使用,

A : what do you think of the performance of your counterpart 您認為你們的對手表現如何?

There is no serialization counterpart to jdbc s 在序列化中不存在與jdbc的

Is the java runtime counterpart to a python object 是python對象的java運行時對應物) 。

That ' s not what your civilian counterparts there told me 那邊的文職人員可不是這么說的

Jane : your national team against the japanese counterpart 簡:你們的國家隊和日本隊。

Each version shall be in eight ( 8 ) counterparts 兩種文本各一式八( 8 )份。

And comparing them to their real - life counterparts 對比日常生活里類似的人

For which you want to provide an asynchronous counterpart :定義一個滿足以下條件的

Directive is quite similar to its ssi counterpart 偽指令與其ssi對等偽指令極其相似。

Key counterparts lifeguards on the two sides of mobile 方向鍵對應救生員的兩側移動。

My counterpart in the usa will visit china soon 我在美國的同行很快就要訪問中國了。

Food sector counterparts by unanimous decision research 經餐飲界同行一致研究決定。

These are the same as their odbc counterparts 這些信息與odbc中的信息相同。

First one is not good enough , the other is counterpart 第一個不夠好,第二個也是如此

Your right hand is the counterpart of your left hand 你的右手和你的左手互相配對