
counterpane n.床罩。


Thursday came : all work had been completed the previous evening ; carpets were laid down , bed - hangings festooned , radiant white counterpanes spread , toilet tables arranged , furniture rubbed , flowers piled in vases : both chambers and saloons looked as fresh and bright as hands could make them 星期四到了,一切準備工作都已在前一個晚上完成。地毯鋪開了,床幅掛上了彩條,白得眩目的床罩鋪好了,梳妝臺已經安排停當,家具都擦拭得干干凈凈,花瓶里插滿了鮮花。

Sheets , sheeting , pillowslips , towels , napkins , counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers suitable for use in the public sector - specification for counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers including flammability performance 公共部門用被單被單布枕套毛巾餐巾床罩及大陸人用棉被罩.第3部分:被單布被單及枕套規范

They could then see the faint summer fogs in layers , woolly , level , and apparently no thicker than counterpanes , spread about the meadows in detached remnants of small extent 后來,他們看見稀薄的夏霧,一層層一片片地飄浮在草地上,還沒有消散,薄霧像羊毛似的,平展地鋪在地面上,顯然還沒有床罩厚。

Sheets , sheeting , pillowslips , towels , napkins , counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers suitable for use in the public sector - specification for sheeting , sheets and pillowslips 公共場所用被單被單布枕套毛巾餐巾床罩及法式被罩.被單布被單及枕套的規范

For example , a buffer overflow in a network server program that can be tickled by outside users may provide an attacker with a login on the machine 存儲大量帳戶口令對而不用擔心丟失記錄它們的紙的一個方法是使用“口令保險箱” ,例如counterpane提供的一個(請參閱

Sheets , sheeting , pillowslips , towels , napkins , counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers suitable for use in the public sector - specification for towels and napkins 公共部門用床單被單枕套毛巾餐巾床罩和大陸人用被罩.第2部分:毛巾及餐巾規范

Out of these deep surrounding shades rose high , and glared white , the piled - up mattresses and pillows of the bed , spread with a snowy marseilles counterpane 床上高高地疊著褥墊和枕頭,上面鋪著雪白的馬賽布床罩,在周圍深色調陳設的映襯下,白得眩目。

One way to store a bunch of account password pairs without having to worry about losing the paper is to use a “ password safe , “ such as one by counterpane see 在這段代碼中,調用randomize ( )來在每副牌生成前生成一副隨機牌。

She threw the counterpane over the foot of the bed and climbed between the sheets 她把鋪在床上的鑲著鏤空花邊的床罩拉向床腳邊就躺下了。

The image in the bed did not change , but it pushed a letter over the counterpane 床上的石像依舊不動,只是把一封信在被單上推了過來。

While she is gone, the surgeon abandons his hopeless investigation and covers its subject with the patchwork counterpane . 她走了以后,外科醫生就結束了他那沒有希望的檢查,拿那條打滿了補釘的被單把尸體蓋上。