
counteroffer n.還價,反建議。


Elaborate process descriptions of evaluating offers , belief revision and proposing counteroffers are presented , in particular , we analyze the use of bayesian learning and reinforcement learning in negotiation process , restructuring the traditional q - learning into a dynamic q - leaming algorithm by introducing current beliefs and recency exploration bonus 在該談判模型的基礎上引入學習機制,并分別對評估提議、更新信念、生成提議等談判過具有學習機制的電子商務自動談判研究摘要程作了詳細闡述,重點分析了貝葉斯學習和強化學習技術在自動談判中的應用。

It ' s a delaying tactic , i know , but rambert will expect a counteroffer and he will refuse . his next demand will be firm , even threatening . that ' s when i act 這只是緩兵之計,我知道,但是蘭貝爾特會料到會有反要求函并拒絕。他的下個要求將會變得強硬。甚至是威脅。那就是我要的效果。

This is our price list . what did you think about that offer ? we apply these prices to overseas customs as well . we may make a counteroffer . prices depend on volume 這是我們的價目表,您覺得這個報價如何?這些價格也同樣適用于海外。我們還可以還價。價格因數量不同而有所不同。

An offer is a complete solution which is currently preferred by an agent given its preferences , constraints and the negotiation history of offers and counteroffers 提議是agent當前所形成的,基于自身偏好、限制和談判歷史的一個完整解決方案。

As the market is declining , we hope you will consider our counteroffer most favorably and cable us acceptance at your earliest convenience 由于市場衰退,希望你方能認真考慮我方善意的還價,并在方便的時候盡早電報我方。

We very much regret that we are unable to entertain your counteroffer of au $ 1 , 050 per metric ton of polished rice cif singapore 本公司不能接受貴公司以成本,保險加運費到新加坡價每噸1050澳元供應精白米的還盤,深感抱歉

As the market is advancing your suggested price is rather on the low side . up to now we can not see our way clear to entertain your counteroffer 由于市場看好,你方建議的價格偏低。現在我們無法接受你們的還盤。

Either the union will make a counteroffer or the original bid will be refused by the board or the deal will go ahead as scheduled 或者工會提出一個相反的建議,或者董事會拒絕原來的要價,或者這事按原計劃進行。

Yet chinese government entities are hesitant to leap into a politically charged transaction with an aggressive counteroffer 然而中國政府機構對是否參與可能被指責為政治目的的干預仍然猶豫不決。

When he arrived , i said , “ bring me paper and pen . i ' m going to write a counteroffer to rambert ' s demands . 當他到來時,我說, “給我筆和紙。我要給蘭貝爾特寫反要求函。 ”

For these reasons , most career advisors agree that it ' s not a good idea to accept a counteroffer 出于以上的原因,大部分職業生涯顧問都認為吃回頭草不是一個好的決定。

We are sorry that we cannot accept your counteroffer , as the price quoted by us is quite realistic 報給你方的價格已很實際,很抱歉不能接受你方還盤。

I ' m sorry . the difference between our price and your counteroffer is too wide 很遺憾,我們的價格與你方還盤之間的差距太大。

I ' m sorry the difference between our price and your counteroffer is too wide 很抱歉,我們的價格與你還盤之間的差距太大。

If you accept our counteroffer , we ' ll advise our users to buy from you 如您能接受我們的還盤,我們就勸用戶向你方購買。

Our counteroffer is as follows 我們還盤如下。

Owing to heavy demand , we cannot entertain your counteroffer 由于需求量很大,我們不能考慮接受你方的還盤。

We regret to note that you have turned down our counteroffer 我們很遺憾,知道你方已拒絕了我方的還價。

Our counteroffer is well founded 我們的還價是很合理的。