
counteroffensive n.反攻,反擊。


Network security techniques include router filter , firewalls , intrusion detection , audit , counteroffensive and etc . in these techniques , router filter and firewalls are static security techniques , and others are dynamic security techniques 目前網絡安全技術包括路由器、防火墻、漏洞防堵、入侵檢測、審計和反攻擊等,其中路由器過濾、防火墻、漏洞防堵屬于靜態安全技術,而入侵檢測、審計和反攻擊等屬于動態防護。

The third part expounds the impact to cpusa by the radical change of soviet union and east europe , such as thinking confusion , organization fissure , number decreasing sharply , cpusa counteroffensive measures and rethinking 第三部分主要論述蘇東劇變對美共的p大沖擊和美共為消除蘇東劇變的后果所進行的斗爭,以及美共對社會主義的反思。

Maintain the market share as the market leader , may take an activity in defense tactics as follows : position defense , flank defense , preemptive defense , counteroffensive defense , contraction defense and mobile defense 作為市場的領先者,在防衛戰略上主要有以下幾方面內容:地位防衛、側翼防衛、先發制人、防守反擊、收縮和機動進攻。

We faced a grim and perilous situation , but i should say that on the whole , we accomplished the shift to strategic counteroffensive quite smoothly , moving rapidly into the dabie mountains 當時形勢相當嚴峻,相當險惡,但是整個地看應該說是很順利地實現了戰略反攻的任務,躍進到大別山。

In 1944 , during world war two , the germans launched a counteroffensive at anzio , italy 1944年的今天,二戰期間,德軍在意大利的安奇奧市發起反攻

Meanwhile , preparations went on for an all - out counteroffensive 同時,全面大反攻的準備工作業已著手進行。